Special guardianship and child arrangement orders

Available from: 19/09/2024

When family practitioners advise on children law cases, they will have to consider special guardianship and child arrangement orders. It’s imperative that they understand the key differences and similarities between these orders, how they operate, and when it may be more appropriate to seek one over the other.

This webinar will examine the criteria, as well as key legislative and case law developments, covering the following topics:

  • Child arrangements orders: the effect, criteria and procedure
  • Enforcement of child arrangements orders
  • Special guardianship orders: the effect, criteria and procedure
  • Variation and discharge: consideration of Re F and G (discharge of special guardianship order) 2021 EWCA Civ 622
  • Special guardianship regulations in England and Wales
  • Notice position
  • Assessments, timescales and support
  • Exercise of parental responsibility
  • Assessment for special guardianship orders and child arrangements
  • Extending the 26 weeks and effect of Re P – S (Children) [2018]
  • The effect of the Public Law Working Group (recommendations to achieve best practice in the child protection and family justice systems: special guardianship orders) Report 2021


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