Fundamental dishonesty – all you need to know in 2024

Recorded on: 09/09/2024

The concept of fundamental dishonesty was created by statute in 2014. After a slow start, it has suddenly burst into life, most recently when a man seriously injured in a motorbike crash saw his £6.4m claim was dismissed in the biggest case to date where fundamental dishonesty was found, even though he had over £1m in true losses. At the same time, a claimant who lied about having a minor head injury, which did not feature in his pleaded claim or medical report, was not fundamentally dishonest, the High Court ruled.

Professor Dominic Regan will consider the implications of these and more during his webinar.

You will explore:

  • The statutory framework
  • The Olympic Park breakthrough
  • Must fundamental dishonesty be pleaded?
  • Who bears the burden of proof?
  • Critical evidence
  • The Ritchie J 2024 guidance on substantial injustice
  • The need to warn the client and witnesses too


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