Man jailed for inciting violence against immigration solicitors

Kay: Jailed two days after social media posts

A man has been jailed for encouraging violence online, including against immigration solicitors, just two days after he posted on social media.

Tyler Kay, 26, pleaded guilty to publishing material intending to stir up racial hatred, contrary to section 19 of the Public Order Act 1986.

He was sentenced to 38 months’ imprisonment at Northampton Crown Court last Friday, 9 August.

According to the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), Mr Kay, from Northampton, wrote an offensive anti-immigration post on X on 7 August, calling for hotels housing asylum seekers to be set alight.

He responded to several comments posted by others following his post, adding that it was “100% the plan”.

Mr Kay also reposted a screenshot of another message inciting action against a named immigration law firm in Northampton, and other posts attributable to him showed a desire to be involved in organised protests in the town.

Rosemary Ainslie, acting head of the CPS’s special crime and counter terrorism division, said: “It’s important that I make it absolutely clear – online actions have real consequences.

“Tyler Kay wrote about setting fire to hotels and amplified posts advocating action against immigrations solicitors – this online behaviour will not be tolerated.

“He was jailed two days after he made the social media post, which displays just how quickly offenders such as Kay will be brought to justice. The CPS will continue to act swiftly and robustly to tackle such behaviour.”

Last week, publication online of a list of supposed targets for anti-immigration protests that included immigration lawyers and other advisers caused alarm in the profession, although in the end counter-demonstrations across the country appeared to neutralise the danger on the night.

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