Eclipse launches the first ABS-specific case management systems

Leading case management software provider Eclipse Legal Systems, a Legal Futures Associate, has launched the market's first alternative business structure (ABS) specific systems.

Eclipse has made available two new Proclaim case management software systems, taking into account the unique requirements of ABS organisations.

Proclaim ABS

Suitable for ABS organisations providing a wide range of consumer-based legal services, Proclaim ABS combines core Proclaim case management functionality with a choice of pre-prepared (and user-configurable) workflows.

Initial workflows available include conveyancing, personal injury (PI) claims, employment claims, matrimonial disputes, probate and financial mis-selling. Firms have the option to include any combination of these matter types within one fully integrated case management solution, providing centralised and instant access to client data across all service areas.

Proclaim ABS PI

Designed specifically for organisations operating within the PI sector, Proclaim ABS PI integrates initial claim handling, personal injury litigation and links to medical reporting agencies in one centralised solution. The personal injury sector is expected to see heavy ABS involvement, as existing claims management, personal injury and medical reporting firms join forces and consolidate as single entities to avoid falling foul of proposed referral fee bans.

Russell Thomson, chief business executive at Eclipse, said: “The introduction of ABSs brings a huge level of opportunity for both existing law firms and new market entrants. Our experience with a wide range of organisations in law, insurance and consumer services – including many forthcoming ABS entrants – has shown that these organisations demand software solutions specific to their needs.

“They will not make do with legacy legal management systems, nor will they wish to waste time with long and fruitless implementations of vanilla and toolkit systems.

“Our new Proclaim ABS and Proclaim ABS PI systems break the mould as far as legal services software is concerned, providing the perfect fit for firms that need fast implementation of a 100% integrated, firm-wide case management solution.”

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