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The final countdown
Wednesday, 6 October 2010Journalists love a good landmark and 6 October is a corker for those of us who get overly excited by legal services reform – the Legal Ombudsman opens today and in a year’s time, the first alternative business structure should open its doors. But is anyone keeping an eye on all the other reform agendas around litigation costs and funding to ensure that access to justice does not fall through the cracks?
Tags: ABS, Alternative business structures, external investment, Legal Ombudsman, legal process outsourcing, Legal Services Board, LeO, LPO
Posted in Blog
Weekly round-up: ABSs, ABSs and more ABSs
Sunday, 26 September 2010Our weekly round-up of other relevant news from elsewhere finds alternative business structures on the minds of virtually everyone, whether in England, Scotland, Canada or the USA. If one theme emerges, it is that everyone is waking up to the threats and possibilities inherent in them.
Tags: ABS, Alternative business structures, external investment, private equity
Posted in Alternative business structures, Market monitor, Resources
Susskind: fail to embrace “legal process management” and lose out to new players
Monday, 20 September 2010Law firms that fail to embrace “legal process management” will quickly lose out to new competitors, such as accounting firms, legal publishers and businesses fuelled by external investment, Professor Richard Susskind has warned. The legal IT and strategy guru has also criticised the approach of many large firms to making cuts during the recession.
Tags: external investment, hourly billing, legal process outsourcing, Richard Susskind
Posted in Market monitor, News, Outsourcing
SRA in surprise move to revisit guidance on pre-ABS deals with external investors
Friday, 10 September 2010The Solicitors Regulation Authority is to revisit at its next meeting the question of whether to relax its rules on preparations in advance of the launch of alternative business structures next October.
Tags: ABS, Alternative business structures, external investment, Solicitors Regulation Authority
Posted in Alternative business structures, Market monitor, News, Solicitors
Doing the business
Friday, 26 March 2010Most of what private equity firms know about the law is that it is an old-fashioned industry that does not look very investor friendly. Law firms need to adopt a corporate structure if they want to impress them, experts tell Patricia Wheatley-Burt.
Tags: corporate structure, external investment, partnerships, private equity
Posted in Alternative business structures, Legal Services Act