Tag Results
Parabis chief calls on SRA to keep pace with ABS ambitions and not stymie innovation
Monday, 24 September 2012The operational end of the Solicitors Regulation Authority needs to keep pace with those at the top of the organisation who “embrace and encourage legal business innovation”, and not stymie the type of development the Legal Services Act is supposed to promote, the head of one of the major ABSs has said.
Tags: ABS, Alternative business structures, external investment, Solicitors Regulation Authority
Posted in Alternative business structures, Latest news
Keoghs agrees external investment deal
Monday, 17 September 2012Defendant insurance firm Keoghs has struck a deal to accept external investment once it receives its alternative business structure licence, it has confirmed. The firm said the funding will help accelerate its growth plans.
Tags: ABS, Alternative business structures, external investment
Posted in Alternative business structures, Latest news, Market monitor
Public sector ABS eyes external investment to expand
Friday, 31 August 2012A specialist public sector law firm is eyeing up external investment so as to fund expansion, as well as strategic partnerships with others to secure market share, after becoming the newest alternative business structure.
Tags: ABS, Alternative business structures, external investment, Solicitors Regulation Authority
Posted in Alternative business structures, Latest news, Market monitor
ABSs and City law firms could be a volatile mix to the detriment of all, consultant warns
Tuesday, 14 August 2012The advent of huge amounts of “unthinking external capital into the fragile ecosystem of the legal profession” could create many unforeseen and irreversible effects among City law firms, a well-known consultant has warned.
Tags: ABS, Alternative business structures, external investment
Posted in Alternative business structures, Latest news
Halebury bids to put the ‘alternative’ into ABS
Monday, 16 July 2012‘Alternative’ law firm Halebury, a specialist business and sport law firm, has announced plans to formalise that tag and become an alternative business structure after substantially bulking up its team.
Tags: ABS, Alternative business structures, external investment
Posted in Latest news, Market monitor
Freeserve founder says it will take non-lawyers to bring innovation to “hated” legal market
Monday, 2 July 2012Lawyers are “in denial about what customers hate about law firms” and it will take entrepreneurs from outside the profession to deliver the wholesale change to the business model that is required, the founder of Freeserve claimed last week.
Tags: ABS, Alternative business structures, external investment, personal injury, private equity
Posted in Alternative business structures, Latest news, Market monitor
Growing interest in outside capital among smaller firms but their planning is lacking, survey warns
Wednesday, 27 June 2012A growing number of small and mid-sized law firms are looking at raising external capital, but many need to address failings in basic business planning first, new research has found. It also identified £20m as the turnover point when a law firm turns into a real business.
Tags: ABS, Alternative business structures, external investment, mergers, succession planning
Posted in Alternative business structures, Latest news, Legal Services Act, Market monitor
“Panic or paranoia” driving some firms to ABS
Wednesday, 27 June 2012Some law firms are considering conversion to an alternative business structure (ABS) out of “panic or paranoia” without first getting their own houses in order, experts warned yesterday. Lawyers need first to build sustainable businesses, they said.
Tags: ABS, Alternative business structures, external investment, private equity
Posted in Alternative business structures, Latest news, Market monitor
Survey: commercial firms eyeing up ABS opportunities, including MDPs and external cash
Tuesday, 26 June 2012Creating a multi-disciplinary practice, spinning off new services and accessing external investment to finance growth are the main goals of commercial law firms considering converting to alternative business structures, a new survey has found.
Tags: ABS, accountants, Alternative business structures, claims management companies, external investment, MDP, multi-disciplinary practice
Posted in Alternative business structures, Latest news, Market monitor
ABSs stimulating a surge in the Anglo-Scottish urge to merge, say experts
Monday, 18 June 2012The recent spate of Anglo-Scottish mergers will not be the last as Scotland gears up for its own alternative business structure regime going live, it has been predicted. There has been a “surge in M&A activity in the Scottish legal market”.
Tags: ABS, Alternative business structures, external investment, mergers, Scotland
Posted in Latest news, Market monitor