Tag Results

  • Casedo joins Calico

    Whether it’s the vaccination programme, the improving health statistics or just the fact that it’s now British Summer Time, there certainly seems to be a bit more of a spring in everyone’s step.

    Wednesday, 7 April 2021
  • Fostering new behaviour

    There are always problem files, difficult clients and issues that consume us with fear and worry. However, the more we procrastinate, the more ghoulish and horrifying the task grows.

    Monday, 29 March 2021
  • Casedo extends free trial period

    Casedo, the innovative document workplace for the legal profession, has increased the period of their free trial by 200%. You can now benefit from all the amazing features for a period of 30 days.  The free trial provides full access to Casedo software and all the innovative features contained within.

    Tuesday, 16 March 2021
  • International Women’s Day – Time to demand more

    For women to succeed and reach the deserved heights, we need to recognise our worth, not accept anything less than we deserve and collectively push for the cultural change required to make this happen.

    Monday, 8 March 2021
  • The pathway to efficiency

    It has always been a challenge to assemble bundles for inquiries; when I first started nearly 40 years ago there were no rules, and it was pretty much a free-for-all. I am fortunate to have worked with and alongside some exceptionally good solicitors who drilled into me the importance of producing bundles of documents that were comprehensive, paginated and indexed. It is the ideal we should all aspire to, but it is a lot of work, particularly if, like me, you are a sole practitioner.

    Thursday, 4 March 2021
  • The rising risk of cybercrime for law firms

    Cybercrime has increased significantly in recent years, causing untold damage to businesses and essential services. Cyber-security breaches cost billions of pounds and account for half of all crime in the UK.

    Tuesday, 2 March 2021
  • Let’s talk about Mental Health First Aid

    It’s time to talk day and to acknowledge that I wanted to talk about Mental Health First Aid. Have you ever attended a course that changed your perspective? CPD is such a staple in our professional lives but it rarely provides us with a revolutionised mindset. In my previous role, I was lucky enough to undergo the Scottish mental health first aid (MHFA) qualification and it turned a general interest in the mental health of the profession into a passion.  

    Monday, 1 February 2021
  • Casedo launch version 1.6

    Casedo is delighted to launch it’s first software update of 2021 to the Casedo community and the wider legal world.

    Monday, 25 January 2021
  • A look back to 2020: Casedo highlights

    2020 was an unprecedented year for everyone but especially the legaltech industry, with legal departments rapidly re-imagining their operations to embrace the digital era. Fortunately, Casedo is in the business of change. Our ability to observe market trends and recognise growing expectations from legal practitioners placed us in a favourable position when the pandemic struck.

    Friday, 22 January 2021
  • Will this be the Year of Lawtech?

    If 2020 taught us anything, it is that lawyers will not disappear any time soon. Still, paper will gradually disappear in favour of digital tools, investment in technology and better ways of working.

    Friday, 22 January 2021


TikTok or TikNot: Is social media working for you?

The average law firm spends around a quarter of its marketing budget on social media but sees little in return, our research found.

Tomorrow’s legal landscape: helping firms prepare for change

Law firms must constantly question the status quo and be willing to adapt. Take nothing for granted. Never say ‘we’ve always done it this way’; never say ‘we’re lawyers and we’re different’.

Succession (Season 5) – Santa looks to the future

It’s time for the annual Christmas blog from Nigel Wallis, consultant at Legal Futures Associate O’Connors Legal Services.