- Legal Futures - https://www.legalfutures.co.uk -


BigHandThrough technology, insight and experience, BigHand [1] delivers success for the future by helping law firms achieve professional productivity and profitability.

Our solutions help busy people achieve more in less time and organisations become more efficient and profitable. We’ll take the time to understand the challenges you face and craft a solution suited to your needs from our range of solutions including workflow and resource management, document creation, matter pricing, intuitive reporting and analytics.

BigHand has over 3,300 clients and 810,000 users worldwide and we are proud to support 82% of the Top 200 firms in the UK and 81% of Am Law 200 firms. We actively listen and respond to our client’s needs, which can be evidenced in our 2021 customer satisfaction score of 96%, and NPS score of +82.

Solutions we offer:

People Productivity:

Document Productivity:

Financial Productivity:

Business Productivity


Contact Us

Website: www.bighand.com [2]

Email: enquiry@bighand.com [3]

Phone: +44 (0)20 7940 5900

LinkedIn [4] | Twitter [5]