Private Client

“Catalogue of mistakes” – STEP makes case for will-writing regulation

8 September 2023

Nearly half of consumers who have a will either wrote their own or obtained it through a cheap online service, with hardly any checking the credentials of the provider.

Solicitor failed to spot conflict in property deals for vulnerable client

22 August 2023

A solicitor failed to spot a conflict of interest when a vulnerable client’s attorneys bought five properties using her money but gave themselves a 50% ownership stake in each.

SRA to toughen up on compliance with continuing competence rules

4 August 2023

The Solicitors Regulation Authority is to step up efforts to ensure compliance with continuing competence obligations, particularly among conveyancers and probate specialists.

SRA happy with standards of law firms handling LPAs and deputyships

13 July 2023

Law firms are maintaining a good standard of service despite increased demand for lasting powers of attorney and deputyship work, an SRA review has found.

Cryptocurrency and digital assets in estate administration

14 June 2023

Cryptocurrency and digital assets are the assets of the future. But how can they be valued, regulated and retained? In this new online world, solicitors must understand how these assets will affect Wills and how to value them and include them in final estate accounts.

Court upholds Covid will witnessed through car window

22 May 2023

The High Court has praised the “ingenious arrangement” of witnessing a will through a car window in the early days of the pandemic.

Solicitor who forged trustees’ signatures struck off

26 April 2023

A solicitor who used forged cheques from trustees or money from another client to cover up the fact she had failed to submit tax returns on time has been struck off.

Firm ordered to pay wasted costs for “inexplicable” error

21 April 2023

A law firm which started proceedings when its client did not have standing to bring them has been ordered to pay wasted costs because it failed to check this.

Co-op to offer wills through Amazon as it unveils soaring finances

5 April 2023

Co-operative Legal Services recorded a 19% increase in revenue and 60% rise in profit in 2022 as it became the first law firm to strike a deal to offer services through Amazon.

Solicitor who misled clients over LPA forms is struck off

4 April 2023

A solicitor who told clients that the Office of the Public Guardian was to blame for what were actually her own errors in registering lasting powers of attorney has been struck off.

Reserved activities set to stay as they are for now

21 March 2023

A full review of the reserved legal activities is not justified at the moment without a “fundamental” reappraisal of the Legal Services Act too, the Legal Services Board has concluded.

Trust business launches ABS for own and other law firms’ work

21 March 2023

A company which specialises in trust work has launched an alternative business structure to handle both its own work and instructions from other law firms.

LPA reform which ends legal executive anomaly backed by MPs

3 March 2023

Legislation to modernise lasting powers of attorney, including allowing chartered legal executives to certify copies, sailed through its latest stage in Parliament this week.

Man jailed after solicitors catch £2m will fraud

24 February 2023

Solicitors have helped rumble a man now jailed for creating a false letter of wishes in an attempt to steal more than £2m from a deceased friend’s estate.

Islamic fintech company buys law firm specialising in Shari’ah wills

14 February 2023

A law firm specialising in Islamic wills has been acquired in a seven-figure deal by a fintech company providing Shari’ah-compliant services.

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Jeff Zindani

Navigating M&A in PI and clin neg: The changing game

Consolidation has swept the PI and clinical negligence markets, accelerating mergers and acquisitions. The entry of private equity, once seen as unlikely in claimant work, changed the game.

Physical access to the courts needs to be improved

We try and use the law to mend and heal them. Being made uncomfortable in court because buildings are not properly adapted or equipped makes an already challenging day even more difficult.

The end of Google’s dominance: A new era in search

The rise of alternative search platforms like TikTok, the emergence of AI-driven tools like ChatGPT, and the development of federated search by Apple are signalling the end of Google’s unchallenged reign.