Legal Services Board

Consumer panel urges more fixed fees and SRA fining powers

19 March 2020

More use of fixed fees and an increase in the Solicitors Regulation Authority’s fining powers are among recommendations made today by the Legal Services Consumer Panel.

Ex-consumer panel chief set to return as LeO chair

13 March 2020

The Legal Services Board has named the former chair of its consumer panel as its preferred candidate to chair the Office for Legal Complaints, the board of the Legal Ombudsman.

“Redesign legal services” to make them more accessible

24 February 2020

The way legal services are provided needs to change to recognise that a large portion of the population struggles with the law and needs more help with accessing it, new research has urged.

LSB ramp ups pressure on regulatory independence

21 February 2020

The Legal Services Board is ramping up pressure on the Law Society, the Bar Council and other approved regulators over ensuring the independence of their regulatory arms.

Lawyers could be forced to sign up to comparison websites

3 February 2020

Law firms, chambers and other legal services providers could be forced to sign up to comparison websites so that clients can let others know about the quality of service they received.

Most clients satisfied with lawyers – if they use them

27 January 2020

The vast majority of clients are happy with the services they receive, according to the largest ever legal needs survey, but only 55% of those with legal issues actually sought out professional advice.

LSB launches continuing competence inquiry

22 January 2020

The Legal Services Board has launched a call for evidence on continuing competence, the first stage in a promised review of the issue that could lead to periodic checks on lawyers’ fitness to practise.

BSB and SRA in firing line over shortcomings

19 December 2019

The Bar Standards Board has been told that it needs to act more quickly on how it plans to educate the public about barristers after its widely criticised decision to stop funding Legal Choices.

Approval of SQE not a foregone conclusion, LSB warns

12 November 2019

Approval of the Solicitors Qualifying Exam is not a foregone conclusion, the Legal Services Board is to make clear to the Solicitors Regulation Authority. Issues such as quality and cost must be addressed.

Exclusive: CMA ramps up pressure on Bar Standards Board

6 November 2019

The Competition and Markets Authority has ramped up the pressure on the Bar Standards Board over its decision to stop funding the cross-regulator Legal Choices website.

Warning shot for BSB after it axes Legal Choices funding

5 November 2019

The Legal Services Board has issued a thinly veiled warning to the Bar Standards Board over the need to invest “substantially” in consumer information after withdrawing from funding Legal Choices.

“Turn-around” specialist sought to head Legal Ombudsman

31 October 2019

The Legal Services Board is looking for a person with experience of “turn-around situations” to become the new chair of the Office of Legal Complaints, the board which oversees the Legal Ombudsman.

LSB builds case for ‘continuing competence’ push

31 October 2019

The Legal Services Board has heard calls for regulators to take a more “hands-on” approach to ensuring that lawyers remain competent through their careers.

Legal Services Board eyes its own transparency push

21 October 2019

The Legal Services Board could steal a march on the Solicitors Regulation Authority by holding at least one of its board meetings in public, it has emerged.

LSB could start reviewing regulators’ disciplinary files

17 October 2019

The Legal Services Board could start reviewing regulators’ case files to increase its oversight of the quality of their disciplinary decisions in the wake of the Leigh Day case, it has emerged.

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