Legal Services Board

LSB to put regulators’ efforts to improve diversity under microscope

16 February 2017

The Legal Services Board will next year carry out the first formal assessment of how the profession’s regulators have performed in improving diversity in their parts of the law, it has announced. Publishing its revised diversity guidance, the board said, however, that it expects to see the guidance influencing activities this year.

SRA: Law Society governance problems prove need for independence

24 January 2017

The Law Society’s governance troubles – with the resignation of chief executive Catherine Dixon earlier this month – are proof that it is “unsuitable” for any role in the regulation of the profession, the Solicitors Regulation Authority has told the Legal Services Board.

Accountants threaten legal services pull-out if government imposes independent regulation

18 January 2017

The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales has warned that it will “reconsider whether it wishes to remain as a legal services regulator” if the government insists that regulators are fully independent from their professional bodies. The long-awaited consultation on this is said to be imminent.

Cost of oversight regulator to profession set to fall again

7 December 2016

The Legal Services Board is to reduce its cost to the profession to the lowest level since the oversight regulator was established in 2009. Its draft business plan for 2017/18, published yesterday for consultation, anticipated a £150,000 reduction on the current year’s budget to £3.85m.

Consumer panel: We don’t need to be separated from the Legal Services Board

30 November 2016

There are “clear benefits” in the Legal Services Consumer Panel remaining part of the Legal Services Board, the panel’s chair has argued. Elisabeth Davies said the status quo allowed the LSB and the approved regulators to “access consumer insight on tap”.

LSB: We will do what we can to improve regulator independence if government does not act

15 November 2016

The Legal Services Board may look for ways in which it can increase the independence of the frontline regulators from representative bodies if the proposed government consultation on full independence does not materialise, it emerged last night.

Competition watchdog urged to study customer review websites in legal market

3 November 2016

The Legal Services Board has called on the Competition and Markets Authority to extend a study of comparison websites to include customer review sites, given their particular sensitivity in the legal market.

MoJ set to press ahead with regulatory independence

28 October 2016

The Ministry of Justice has no intention of dropping its plans to separate the legal regulators from their representative bodies, it said yesterday as it unveiled reviews of how the Legal Services Board and Legal Ombudsman are operating.

Battle of the “bulge” – Legal Ombudsman’s performance worsens

27 September 2016

The time taken by the Legal Ombudsman to resolve cases increased over the summer, new figures have shown. The proportion of cases resolved within 90 days fell from 50% in June this year to 47% in July – against a target of 60%. This was caused by a “bulge” in cases being assessed.

Legal Services Board fury after IBA claims it is under “government control”

26 September 2016

The Legal Services Board has reacted angrily to a draft report from the International Bar Association which said the oversight regulator was subject to “a degree of government control”, because “the LSB is funded by the Ministry of Justice, and all its members are appointed by the Lord Chancellor”.

Mixed response to LSB’s plan for regulatory overhaul, with Falconer calling for focus on unmet legal need instead

14 September 2016

Reactions from key legal services industry bodies to the Legal Services Board’s blueprint for radical form of legal regulation have ranged from enthusiastic welcome to anger at its timing, while the politician who introduced the Legal Services Act 2007 said tackling unmet legal need was more of a priority.

LSB lays out blueprint for radical reform of regulation

12 September 2016

The Legal Services Board has today outlined its blueprint for radical reform of legal regulation, including regulation by activity rather than professional title, and a single regulator for the entire profession. The oversight regulator said its plan was intended to be a “durable solution rather than a further stepping stone to liberalisation”.

LSB tells Bar regulator not to keep changing the pass mark for aptitude test

8 September 2016

The Legal Services Board has warned the Bar’s regulator that it cannot keep changing the cut score for the test would-be barristers have to pass before being allowed to take the Bar professional training course. However, it approved changes to the rules that will allow the BSB to lift the cut score this year.

“We’re watching you” – Legal Services Board warns Law Society over £61m IT project

25 August 2016

The Legal Services Board has fired a warning shot across the bows of the Law Society in the wake of the latter’s decision to spend £61m over four years on new IT systems for both its representative and regulatory arms.

LSB backs CMA call for greater law firm transparency – but says regulatory reform must happen too

19 August 2016

The Competition and Market Authority was right to conclude that there needs to be more transparency of price and service quality in the legal market, the Legal Services Board said today. But this has to be combined with both short and long-term regulatory reform.

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