Housing Condition Conference 2024

For a snapshot on the state of housing conditions in the UK, look no further than the Housing Ombudsman’s Annual Complaints Review, which in October 2023 revealed a sharp increase of severe maladministration findings, as individual performance reports were published for 163 landlords where the ombudsman made most findings.

“Together, they paint a challenging picture of social housing complaints which has seen a huge spike due to poor property conditions, legislative changes, media attention and the inquest into the death of Awaab Ishak,” it said.

This is the backdrop against which the Legal Futures Housing Condition Conference returned to Manchester on 18 April 2024, for a day packed with vital updates for practitioners.

At the conference, we discussed the Ombudsman’s findings before hearing about lead generation strategies, the importance of FCA compliance for source of referrals, the launch of the Housing Condition Strategy Group and what the Court of Appeal’s landmark ruling in Churchill meant for ADR in these cases.

Delegates learnt about legislative reform – such as regulations implementing Awaab’s Law and the Renters (Reform) Bill – how to overcome disclosure problems, and how vulnerability affects costs claims in housing cases.

For more Legal Events visit our main events page.


Victoria King Sector Learning and Development Lead, Housing Ombudsman Service

Sam Borrett CEO, Legmark

Josh Bates Specialist regulatory lawyer, O’Connors

Nick McDonnell Director and Costs Lawyer, Kain Knight

Jonathan Milner MRICS RICS Governing Council Residential Global Strategy

Jamie Paterson FRICS Managing Director, Paterson Associates

Giles Peaker Partner, Anthony Gold

Alice Holtom Head of Housing, Abbotts Martin Solicitors; Partner, Mediate Property

Chris Lackner Director, SBW Law

Julie Twist Managing Director, Diversify Law


“The best conference of its type by far. Consistently great speakers.”


“All the speakers were eloquent, knowledgeable and engaging.”


“Terrific to catch up with so many old friends and to make new ones.”



April 2023
Housing Condition Conference 2023
September 2023
PI Futures 2023