
SRA urged to tackle mental health problems with ‘fitness to practise’ regime

14 November 2018

The SRA needs to activate a dormant power that allows it to introduce ‘fitness to practise’ rules, in the wake of yesterday’s ruling about the role of mental health in solicitors’ misconduct.

Solicitor struck off for fraudulent claim against ex-employee

14 November 2018

A solicitor jailed for falsifying documents to bring a civil claim against a former employee, in actions a judge said attacked “the very heart of the justice system”, has been struck off.

Mental health problems “do not justify” solicitors’ dishonesty

13 November 2018

Pressure of work or extreme working conditions “cannot either alone or in conjunction with stress or depression” justify not striking off dishonest solicitors, the High Court has ruled.

SRA and Law Society warned over AML helpline confusion

12 November 2018

The body that oversees the legal profession’s anti-money laundering efforts has expressed concern over both the Law Society and Solicitors Regulation Authority offering solicitors helpline advice.

Bar chair urges solicitors to act over barrister bias

9 November 2018

The chairman of the Bar Council has sent a strong message to solicitors about the need to challenge clients who discriminate against barristers because of gender, race or other bias.

SQE “will increase inequality and deter working class students”

9 November 2018

The idea that the Solicitors Qualifying Examination will improve diversity is false and instead it will have “devastating effects” on many individuals, two academics have claimed.

Female Asian barrister returns brief because client wanted ‘white man’

8 November 2018

The only female Afghan-born practising barrister revealed yesterday that she had been asked by a solicitor to return her brief because the client wanted “a white male barrister”.

SQE to be introduced in autumn 2021

8 November 2018

The Solicitors Qualifying Examination – the new way that solicitors will qualify – will be launched in autumn 2021, with the candidate fee likely to range between £3,000 and £4,500.

SRA chief shrugs off Leigh Day loss: “Just one of those things”

8 November 2018

The Solicitors Regulation Authority will not appeal the dismissal of its prosecution of Leigh Day, its chief executive confirmed yesterday as he described the loss as “just one of those things”.

Law firm sees off HMRC demand for records of clients’ offshore activities

7 November 2018

A law firm has fought off a demand by HMRC to hand over the details of clients who have sought advice on offshore structures, the prelude to similar requests to many more firms.

Solicitor struck off over housing benefit conviction

7 November 2018

An experienced solicitor has been struck off after being conviction of fraudulently claiming housing benefit when she had savings that made her ineligible.

LSB told to share responsibility after SRA Handbook decision

7 November 2018

The Legal Services Board has been told by its own consumer panel that it has to share the responsibility for ensuring that consumers do not suffer at the hands of solicitors working for unregulated firms.

Legal Services Board approves new SRA Handbook in full

6 November 2018

The Legal Services Board has approved the new SRA Handbook, including the controversial proposal to allow solicitors to provide unreserved services to the public from unregulated businesses.

SDT postponed suspension of solicitor to save firm from closure

6 November 2018

The Solicitor Disciplinary Tribunal postponed the suspension of a solicitor to given him time to hand over his firm and save it from closure and the loss of 30 jobs, in a highly unusual move.

Accountant involved in massive law firm fraud banned

6 November 2018

An accountant and former partner of a law firm which became involved in a €100m money laundering operation, has agreed with the SRA not to work in the profession.

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