
Solicitor’s rehabilitation insufficient to lift PC conditions

12 September 2019

A disciplinary tribunal has refused to lift practising conditions imposed on a solicitor who breached a catalogue of accounts rules while specialising in conveyancing work.

Tribunal piles on second fine for solicitor’s contempt of court

11 September 2019

A solicitor fined £5,000 by a judge after being convicted of contempt of court for breaching an injunction has been fined a further £7,500 by the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal.

Deloitte launches three-year SQE training contracts

11 September 2019

Big Four accountant Deloitte has launched a pioneering three-year training contract, allowing trainees to study at the University of Law for one day a week and work the remaining four.

Solicitor told SRA he didn’t “give a monkey’s” about firm

10 September 2019

A solicitor who told the regulator that he didn’t “give a monkey’s” about the fate of his law firm because he had retired has been struck off.

Solicitor “preyed” on vulnerable clients who left him legacies

9 September 2019

An experienced solicitor who preyed on vulnerable clients has been struck off for writing wills that left him and his family significant legacies without ensuring they had taken independent advice.

Alcoholic solicitor who assaulted paramedics struck off

6 September 2019

A male solicitor convicted of sexually assaulting two female paramedics while drunk at 8am has been struck off. He was sentenced to eight months in prison, suspended for 12 months.

Law school launches SQE-friendly conversion course

4 September 2019

BPP has become the first law school to reveal details of a new conversion course aimed at getting students through the first stage of the Solicitors Qualifying Exam.

High Court refers law firm to SRA over “bogus claims”

3 September 2019

The High Court has referred an immigration law firm to the SRA after complaining about “wholly bogus claims are advanced by firms of solicitors who are either inexpert or incompetent”.

BSB passes regulatory test on advocacy quality

3 September 2019

The Legal Services Board has said the Bar Standards Board now meets the standard it set for improving the quality of advocacy – unlike the Solicitors Regulation Authority and CILEx Regulation.

COFA did not know to submit accountants’ reports

3 September 2019

A partner and compliance officer of a law firm who told the Solicitors Regulation Authority he did not know about the requirement to send accountants’ reports has been fined £10,000.

NDA advice “must be about more than just the law”

3 September 2019

Any solicitor who thinks it is only the law that restricts advice on non-disclosure agreements, ignoring the wider public interest, is “heading for trouble”, experts have warned.

Solicitors rebuked for settlement agreement clauses

2 September 2019

Two solicitors who negotiated settlement agreements that sought to prevent others from making complaints to the Solicitors Regulation Authority have been rebuked.

Immigration lawyer struck off for “hijacking identities”

2 September 2019

A jailed immigration solicitor who turned to crime only two years after qualifying has been struck off by the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal.

Solicitor sanctioned for “puerile” social media posts on clients

30 August 2019

A solicitor who repeatedly made “inappropriate and puerile comments” on social media about his clients’ matters, and revealed confidential information, has been rebuked for his conduct.

Solicitor attorney raided vulnerable client’s bank accounts

30 August 2019

A solicitor who used his role as attorney to raid a vulnerable elderly client’s bank accounts – and has not accounted for rings he was looking after on the client’s behalf – has been struck off.

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