
City firms risk breaking rules with onshore centres

9 January 2020

City firms with ‘onshore’ offices in cities such as Belfast and Manchester are breaking professional rules by not making it clear to clients where the work is being done, groundbreaking research has suggested.

Tribunal overturns unfair dismissal ruling against partner

8 January 2020

An employment tribunal has ruled that it was wrong to uphold an unfair dismissal claim against a partner in a law firm closed down by the Solicitors Regulation Authority.

Solicitor who kept client’s £1,000 court fee is struck off

8 January 2020

A solicitor who kept the £1,000 his client paid for a court fee has been struck off. The Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal heard that he treated the money, paid into his personal account, as a “loan”.

Law firm was “vehicle” for £5.7m conveyancing fraud

7 January 2020

A solicitor who “consciously closed his eyes” to the activities of people he knew were fraudsters, agreeing to buy a law firm which was “purchased from the outset as a vehicle for fraud”, has been struck off.

Solicitor leaves profession over bequest from client

7 January 2020

A veteran solicitor who failed to ensure that his client took independent legal advice before leaving him money in her will has agreed to leave the profession.

Lawyers and clients’ “mutually assured immorality” on NDAs

20 December 2019

Lawyers and their clients have been guilty of “a kind of mutually assured amorality or immorality” in their approach to non-disclosure agreements, a leading critic of the profession’s approach has said.

SDT promises non-parties “open justice” on access

20 December 2019

The Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal has promised to make “open justice” central to its response to requests from non-parties for access to papers used at disciplinary hearings.

SRA gives up on major indemnity insurance reform

19 December 2019

The Solicitors Regulation Authority has ended a controversial five-year project to reform the professional indemnity insurance regime, meaning the minimum level of cover will not be cut to £500,000.

BSB and SRA in firing line over shortcomings

19 December 2019

The Bar Standards Board has been told that it needs to act more quickly on how it plans to educate the public about barristers after its widely criticised decision to stop funding Legal Choices.

New advertising rule “not a complete ban”, says SRA

19 December 2019

The new rule that prohibits solicitors from making unsolicited approaches to members of the public is not a blanket ban on all advertising, the Solicitors Regulation Authority has clarified.

Jailed solicitor must repay £3m or face more prison time

18 December 2019

A jailed solicitor involved in the UK’s biggest ever tax fraud must repay £3m of his ill-gotten gains or face a further nine years in prison, a judge at the Old Bailey has ruled.

SRA writes to 6,500 firms over AML assessments

18 December 2019

The Solicitors Regulation Authority has written to 6,500 law firms asking them to make a declaration that they have a firm-wide risk assessment complying with the anti-money laundering regulations.

Solicitor failed to funnel fees through virtual firm

17 December 2019

A solicitor who took client payments into his own bank account rather than through the virtual law firm he worked for has agreed to leave the profession for at least five years. The firm lost £50,000 as a result.

Jail for solicitor who stole money from friends

16 December 2019

A solicitor who stole thousands from friends he acted for and laundered money stolen from a grandmother has been jailed.

Solicitor fined £50,000 for misusing client’s interim payments

13 December 2019

A solicitor who spent £46,600 of a disabled client’s interim payments on costs and disbursements instead of on rehabilitation, has been fined £50,000 by the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal.

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