
Retired solicitor who tried to kiss 15-year-old struck off

12 March 2020

A 66-year-old male solicitor found guilty of sexual assault when he tried to kiss a 15-year-old girl in a pub has been struck off in an incident described as “thoroughly unpleasant”.

Mirror’s in-house lawyers under phone-hacking scrutiny

11 March 2020

The High Court has rejected a bid to strike out the claim by various public figures that the legal department of MGN Group knew about phone hacking at the Daily Mirror.

Solicitor’s seven-year “exile” ended by STaRs

11 March 2020

A pioneering solicitor who came off the roll so she could continue providing housing advice from her unregulated firm has returned to the profession after a seven-year “exile”.

Solicitor fined for failing to supervise thieving bookkeeper

11 March 2020

A solicitor who failed to properly supervise his firm’s bookkeeper – who went on to steal £25,000 – has been fined £2,000 by the Solicitors Regulation Authority, the second such sanction he has received.

PI boss fined for forwarding “grossly offensive” email

10 March 2020

The former head of catastrophic injury at a Liverpool law firm has been fined £1,600 for forwarding a “highly derogatory and grossly offensive” email to a colleague.

No privilege for law firm’s gold dust investment documents

10 March 2020

An international law firm must disclose documents relating to a failed gold dust investment scheme which showed “the classic hallmarks” of fraud, the High Court has ruled.

Partner cleared of groping employee – by majority

6 March 2020

A partner accused of repeatedly touching a female employee’s bottom has been cleared by a tribunal – although there was a dissenting judgment, an extremely rare occurrence.

Union joins forces with ABI and British Safety Council in PI fight

5 March 2020

Trade union Usdaw is building a broad coalition – including the Association of British Insurers – in a bid to persuade the government to exclude workplace injuries from the small claims limit increase.

Now ex-Asons boss is disqualified as a director

4 March 2020

The former boss of failed Bolton law firm Asons has been disqualified as a director for seven years because of serial overcharging by the one-time personal injury practice, it has emerged.

Solicitor got client to pay cheque into personal account

3 March 2020

A solicitor who persuaded a vulnerable client to pay £4,700 into her personal bank account, pretending the money would be spent on repairs to a property she had inherited, has been struck off.

PI solicitor “put relationship with CMCs ahead of clients”

2 March 2020

A personal injury solicitor put his own interests ahead of his clients, turning a “Nelsonian blind eye” when concerns were raised so as to maintain the flow of referrals from claims companies.

CMA worried about conveyancer reliance on developers

28 February 2020

The Competition and Markets Authority has expressed concern that conveyancers’ advice to leasehold clients may be compromised by their relationships with developers.

Ex-Asons boss agrees not to return to profession

28 February 2020

The former boss of failed Bolton law firm Asons has undertaken not to return to legal practice without the permission of a High Court judge after facing contempt proceedings.

Commercial lawyer is one of first freelance solicitors

27 February 2020

A commercial lawyer based in Stroud, Gloucestershire, who wants to “be her own boss” is to become one of the first of the new breed of freelance solicitors.

Ban for paralegal convicted of online child abuse

27 February 2020

A paralegal at a Cardiff law firm jailed last year after being convicted of 158 child abuse offences has been banned from the solicitors’ profession.

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