
Solicitor “didn’t know what to do” with money from third party

26 June 2020

A solicitor whose firm received over £530,000 into its client account from an unknown third party, “sat on it” because “we just didn’t know” what to do, a tribunal has heard.

Apprenticeships “not working for the disadvantaged”

26 June 2020

Workers from disadvantaged backgrounds are being left behind by the apprenticeship system, including in the law, with numbers slumping by more than a third since the apprenticeship levy was introduced.

Solicitor who used client money to buy jewellery is struck off

25 June 2020

A director of a former London law firm who admitted fabricating grants of probate and using client money to buy jewellery has been struck off.

Solicitor fined after conviction for abusive Facebook messages

24 June 2020

A junior solicitor diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome who was convicted after sending a woman he briefly dated abusive Facebook messages has now been fined £10,000 by a disciplinary tribunal.

Solicitor failed to advise on “obvious risks” of off-plan schemes

23 June 2020

A solicitor who failed to advise on the “obvious risks” of four off-plan property development schemes has been fined £10,000. His advice was “so inadequate as to be incompetent”.

Solicitor faked court documents to mislead client

22 June 2020

A solicitor has been struck off for falsifying court documents to make a client think his application to extend his leave to remain in the UK had been made before the leave had expired.

Tribunal upholds LSB decision not to release Leigh Day emails

19 June 2020

The First-tier Tribunal has upheld the decision of the Legal Services Board not to release an email exchange with the Solicitors Regulation Authority over the Leigh Day case.

SRA to launch project on BAME student underachievement

19 June 2020

The Solicitors Regulation Authority is set to begin a multi-year project to increase understanding of why Black, Asian and minority ethnic students perform worse than white students.

Firm boss cleared of telling clients to delete holiday posts

17 June 2020

The managing director of a Liverpool law firm has been cleared a tribunal of telling holiday sickness clients to delete social media posts which could undermine their claims.

90% of law firms “breaching transparency rules”

15 June 2020

The vast majority of law firms are still failing to comply with the SRA rules on price transparency, a survey has found. The news comes with the regulator planning to step up its checks.

GMC can investigate solicitor doctor over legal advice

15 June 2020

A claim that a solicitor who is also a doctor provided dishonest advice to his clients can be subject to the General Medical Council’s disciplinary process, the High Court has ruled

EHRC urges compulsory disability training for lawyers

15 June 2020

Disability awareness should be a professional requirement, and a mandatory element of criminal lawyers’ CPD, the Equality and Human Rights Commission has recommended.

Trainee falsified LPC certificate to trick SRA

12 June 2020

A trainee solicitor who applied to join the roll with a falsified certificate that he had passed the legal practice course has been banned from the profession.

Legal regulators cool on the idea of being abolished

12 June 2020

Legal regulators have reacted coolly to the recommendation of Professor Stephen Mayson that they be replaced by a single organisation, arguing instead the case for specialism.

SRA to beef up AML monitoring of law firms

10 June 2020

The Solicitors Regulation Authority is to beef up its monitoring of firms’ anti-money laundering efforts and begin a review of continuing competence, its draft 2020/21 business plan has revealed.

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