Practice Management
Firms with more women likely to adopt salaried partnerships
Big law firms are more likely to introduce salaried partnership status if they have large numbers of women lawyers – but research finds no evidence that this is used to discriminate against them.
Lawtech start-up investors ready to buy into in-house tech
Lawtech start-ups in the UK are not addressing the needs of in-house corporate counsel, although investors will back them because the sector is viewed as less susceptible to a downturn.
Survey: Law firms benefit from efforts to help disabled
Solicitors’ firms that adjust the way they present information to disabled people – and make explicit how they can accommodate their needs – will see the business benefits, a major study has found.
HMCTS under fire for “carry on regardless” approach to reforms
HM Courts & Tribunals Service has come under fire by lawyers giving evidence to MPs for failing to assess the impact of its court reforms and adopting a “carry on regardless” approach.
Partner died in wake of misconduct allegations
A partner at Eversheds Sutherland was found dead hours after being suspended from work for alleged sexual behaviour towards women colleagues at a Christmas party, an inquest heard last week.
Chambers teams up with law school for advocacy module
Barristers from Exchange Chambers have teamed up with Lancaster University Law School to develop and deliver an undergraduate advocacy module for students.
Global investment in legal tech to hit £1bn this year
Global investments in legal technology companies are nearing a record £1bn this year, with the £44m raised by London-based ContractPodAI the largest in the UK, a new analysis has revealed.
Accreditation scheme goes live for lawyer technologists
The Law Society of Scotland has launched a new accreditation for lawyers with specialist technology roles, such as legal process engineer and legal analyst.
Solicitor secures injunction to stop web harassment
A partner at listed law firm Knights has secured a High Court injunction to prevent a former Oxford University student making “false and damaging allegations” against him.
LawCare names mental health champions
LawCare has today launched a new advocacy scheme to mark World Mental Health Day. It has appointed 14 champions from a wide variety of legal backgrounds.