Indemnity insurance

High Court quashes demand for solicitor to pay £150,000 ARP premium

19 September 2012

A solicitor has successfully challenged a demand to stump up nearly £150,000 in unpaid assigned risks pool premiums. He was able to show that the ARP’s manager had not established that he was personally liable for the debt of the LLP in question.

Report: indemnity insurance market softening this year but underwriters wary of non-lawyer owners

17 August 2012

There are signs of a softer professional indemnity insurance market for some law firms this year, but underwriters are looking to handle alternative business structures with care, a new report has claimed.

News in brief: pre-pack saves law firm, Pannone’s white-label arm wins contract, and more

14 August 2012

Our latest round-up includes the pre-pack sale of a Devon law firm, new business wins for Pannone and Gateley, the merger of big-hitting law firm consultancies, a new PII offering for small firms, and a bogus e-mail warning from the SRA.

Do you know how much your professional indemnity insurance costs?

9 August 2012

When I’m out meeting new firms, writes John Thomas of LawNet, all too often when I ask managing partners about the cost of their PII, they do not know. Not many can tell me to the nearest £10,000 and some have no idea at all, having devolved responsibility to the ‘insurance partner’. But is this acceptable in a world of change and challenge, and constant pressure on costs?

Financial services change “will spark massive rise in claims against solicitors”, SRA warned

2 August 2012

Scrapping the ban on solicitors referring clients to tied financial advisers would “make them prey to every tied or multi-tied product salesperson in the land”, leading to massive claims on the compensation fund and negligence actions, the SRA has been warned.

Hope for small firms as another A-rated insurer enters professional indemnity market

25 July 2012

Axis Specialty plc has become the second new A-rated insurer to enter the professional indemnity market for small law firms in a week. The news comes in the wake of AmTrust Europe Ltd setting out its stall for sole practitioners.

Good news day for solicitors: both strike-offs and negligence claims fall

9 July 2012

The number of solicitors struck off in the year to March dropped by 43%, while the number of negligence claims against solicitors reaching the High Court has also fallen, a flurry of new figures have shown.

Ten brokers and nine insurers sign up to Law Society’s prototype standard PII proposal form

29 June 2012

Ten brokers and nine professional indemnity insurers have agreed to use the Law Society’s prototype standard application form. The eventual aim is to allow solicitors to fill out a single PII proposal form that will be accepted by all.

News in brief: CIPA chief eyes ABSs, Co-op boss to bow out, law firms are “cybercrime target”, and more

11 June 2012

Our regular round-up includes strong backing for intellectual property ABSs, Eddie Ryan leaving Co-operative Legal Services, a new digital copyright licence for law firms, an “unacceptable” lack of transparency over PII commissions, and a warning that law firms are being targeted by online espionage.

Line of solicitors being marched through SDT for failure to pay insurance premiums

23 May 2012

Fifteen solicitors have had sanctions imposed by the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal – including indefinite suspensions – for failing to pay the premiums demanded while their firms were in the assigned risks pool, with 15 more still to face the tribunal.

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TikTok or TikNot: Is social media working for you?

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Tomorrow’s legal landscape: helping firms prepare for change

Law firms must constantly question the status quo and be willing to adapt. Take nothing for granted. Never say ‘we’ve always done it this way’; never say ‘we’re lawyers and we’re different’.

Succession (Season 5) – Santa looks to the future

It’s time for the annual Christmas blog from Nigel Wallis, consultant at Legal Futures Associate O’Connors Legal Services.

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