
Edmonds reappointed for second term at helm of Legal Services Board

30 March 2011

David Edmonds was today reappointed as chairman of Legal Services Board for a second three-year term. Mr Edmonds, who is paid £63,000 a year for a minimum of 70 days’ work, will now be in post until 30 April 2014.

Litigation reforms mean less work but better cash flow for lawyers, government predicts

30 March 2011

Law firms face a reduction in work as a result of the latest reforms to civil litigation, government documents have predicted. Impact assessments accompanying yesterday’s consultation on reform of the county courts say they will lead to “reduced levels of legal services business”.

Govt to implement Jackson and reform county court – but “solicitors will adapt”

29 March 2011

Lord Justice Jackson’s blueprint to reform the cost of civil litigation is to be implemented almost in full, Lord Chancellor Ken Clarke announced today, with the government predicting that law firms will adapt to retain their profitability, and that it may encourage new players into the market.

Lord Judge opposes licensed conveyancers’ bid to become litigators and advocates

29 March 2011

The Lord Chief Justice has spoken out against licensed conveyancers being granted rights to conduct litigation and advocacy. Lord Judge said they are areas of work which lie outside the proper sphere of activity of a licensed conveyancer and he could see no strong public interest in giving them those rights.

The future for personal injury practice set to become clearer today

29 March 2011

Personal injury lawyers will today get a stronger vision of the future of their practices when the Ministry of Justice unveils the way forward on its reform of civil litigation costs. Lord Chancellor Ken Clarke will make a statement today outlining its response to the green paper consultation. Check back on Legal Futures after 3.30pm.

Treasury to scrap money laundering offences

28 March 2011

The government intends to abolish more than 24 regulatory offences under the money laundering regulations, the Treasury has revealed. It is also working with some of the largest City law firms and other major services providers to launch a “log of professional readiness” that will help school leavers and undergraduates prepare to apply for jobs in the City.

Extending PI claims process by next April cannot be done, says portal chief

28 March 2011

Government plans to extend the electronic claims portal to cover all fast-track personal injury claims cannot be achieved by the deadline of next April, the man likely to be charged with doing it has told Legal Futures.

Getting debt management right

28 March 2011

In the first of a regular series of articles from the Institute of Legal Finance and Management (formerly the Institute of Legal Cashiers and Administrators), Lisa Dixon outlines the strategies law firms should be adopting to ensure they manage their debts properly

SGM threat recedes as SRA refutes suggestions that it changed ABS stance

25 March 2011

The Solicitor Sole Practitioners Group has backed away from its threat to call a special general meeting and postal vote of the profession to gauge support for alternative business structures (ABSs). Meanwhile, the Solicitors Regulation Authority has refuted suggestions that it shifted position on how it will regulate ABSs ahead of this week’s Law Society vote.

LeO has first vexatious complainant – and its own complaints ombudsman

25 March 2011

The Legal Ombudsman (LeO) has identified its first vexatious complainant, it emerged last night – but it is a lawyer, not a member of the public. It has also appointed former Financial Services Ombudsman Walter Merricks to adjudicate on complaints over LeO’s own service.

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TikTok or TikNot: Is social media working for you?

The average law firm spends around a quarter of its marketing budget on social media but sees little in return, our research found.

Tomorrow’s legal landscape: helping firms prepare for change

Law firms must constantly question the status quo and be willing to adapt. Take nothing for granted. Never say ‘we’ve always done it this way’; never say ‘we’re lawyers and we’re different’.

Succession (Season 5) – Santa looks to the future

It’s time for the annual Christmas blog from Nigel Wallis, consultant at Legal Futures Associate O’Connors Legal Services.

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