
Consumer watchdog gives SRA’s ABS application green light – with reservations

9 May 2011

The Solicitors Regulation Authority’s application to become a licensing body for alternative business structures has been endorsed by the Legal Services Board’s consumer watchdog, but with reservations. The Legal Services Consumer Panel expressed disappointment that some recommendations it made during consultations were not adopted.

Should I tell my client she’s dying?

6 May 2011

The latest Question of Ethics from the Solicitors Regulation Authority looks at whether a solicitor should pass on information in a medical report that their client’s cancer is terminal when the doctor says it should not be disclosed.

News in brief: solicitors, barristers and referrers link up, conveyancing boost and more

6 May 2011

This week’s news in brief includes details of London law firm EDC Lord & Co, barristers’ chambers 6 Pump Court and referral agency Contact Law launching an online fixed-fee legal advice scheme,

ABA ethics commission outlines beefed-up outsourcing rules

5 May 2011

Plans to clarify the ethics of outsourcing work to lawyers and non-lawyers, and the circumstances in which outsourcing would be wrong, are to be put to the American Bar Association (ABA). The “initial draft proposals” go further than an initial draft published last year.

Regulators change name of advocacy scheme in face of legal threat from education body

5 May 2011

The Solicitors Regulation Authority, Bar Standards Board and ILEX Professional Standards have been forced to change the name of their advocacy quality scheme after they were threatened with legal action.

There may be trouble ahead: form an LLP without a members’ agreement at your peril

4 May 2011

Partnership law expert Peter Garry outlines the significant problems solicitors are storing up by forming LLPs without a written members’ agreement. He explains that many solicitors practising within LLPs are needlessly exposing themselves to potential litigation and considerable financial loss.

Far more merger talk than action among larger firms, survey finds

4 May 2011

Merger has been on the minds of three-quarters of large law firms during the past year, but inadequate preparation for the negotiations means few are seeing it through, new research into the 200 practices has claimed.

At last, contractual terms for barristers instructed by solicitors set for green light

4 May 2011

The Bar Standards Board should this month finally approve standard contractual terms for barristers instructed by solicitors, after a decade in the making. It has just to decide whether to make it a rule that a barrister need only accept work under the cab rank rule if offered on the new contractual terms.

Staggering 1400% surge in Irish solicitors requalifying in England and Wales

3 May 2011

The number of solicitors from Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland requalifying in England and Wales soared by an amazing 1383% ahead of last September’s changes to the transfer regime for foreign lawyers, Solicitors Regulation Authority figures have revealed.

BSB to regulate advocacy focused ABSs

29 April 2011

The Bar Standards Board is to regulate advocacy focused alternative business structures and allow barristers to conduct litigation, its board decided yesterday. However, it has placed significant restrictions on the range of entities it is prepared to regulate.

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TikTok or TikNot: Is social media working for you?

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Tomorrow’s legal landscape: helping firms prepare for change

Law firms must constantly question the status quo and be willing to adapt. Take nothing for granted. Never say ‘we’ve always done it this way’; never say ‘we’re lawyers and we’re different’.

Succession (Season 5) – Santa looks to the future

It’s time for the annual Christmas blog from Nigel Wallis, consultant at Legal Futures Associate O’Connors Legal Services.

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