
“Significant risks” to solicitors under Bribery Act, Law Society warns

10 June 2011

There are “significant risks” for law firms offering gifts, entertainment and to pay for expenses as a result of the Bribery Act 2010, the Law Society has warned. While referral fees should not fall foul of the Act, solicitors need to be aware of whether their introducers are behaving in a way that might.

LSB: law firms failing clients on complaints

10 June 2011

More than half of all legal providers are failing to meet requirements to provide clients with clear information on their complaints procedure – according to research from the Legal Services Board – which also shows that almost 70% of complaints against lawyers are upheld.

Best-kept secret in the legal world? Fifth of all law firms are Connect2Law members

9 June 2011

A fifth of all law firms are now members of legal referral and support network Connect2Law, it has emerged. Set up a decade ago by Manchester law firm Pannone, Connect2Law now has 2,240 members, with hopes of reaching as many as 3,000 by the end of 2011.

Treasury confirms plan to decriminalise minor money laundering rule breaches

9 June 2011

The Treasury is set to abolish more than two dozen money laundering offences that can penalise lawyers for minor rule breaches, it has confirmed, but they could be replaced with extra powers for regulators. Very small businesses could even be exempted from the rules altogether.

Government assessment of Jackson impact “given red card” by key committee

8 June 2011

The Ministry of Justice’s impact assessments (IAs) accompanying its Jackson implementation plan have been branded “not fit for purpose” by the government-appointed committee that vets them, it has been claimed.

Moorhead: Law Society wrong to say there is no evidence of poor-quality advocacy

7 June 2011

The Law Society is wrong to suggest there is no evidence of a quality problem in criminal advocacy – according to one of the academics who produced it. Professor Richard Moorhead said there were failures “unparalleled in any assessment of lawyer quality in which I have been involved”.

Co-op pilots face-to-face legal advice in branches of Britannia

7 June 2011

The Co-operative has this week broken new ground by offering face-to-face legal services, combined with financial services advice, through the Britannia bank. The pilot could be the precuror to legal services being delivered through 350 branches of Britannia and the Co-operative Bank.

Pay inequality and discrimination at firms under spotlight in Law Society E&D review

7 June 2011

An action plan to deal with a range of equality and diversity problems in the solicitors’ profession – from pay inequality and firms’ billing practices, to flexible working and career progression – is being drawn up within the Law Society, Legal Futures can reveal.

Solicitors make last-ditch bid to halt “unjustified” advocacy quality scheme

7 June 2011

The Law Society has launched what appears to be a last-ditch bid to persuade the Legal Services Board to scrap the proposed scheme to assess the quality of criminal advocacy, saying there is no evidence to support the assertion that standards have fallen.

LSB slims down as members are reappointed

6 June 2011

The Legal Services Board is to be slimmed down, and variable length terms introduced, after most of its members were reappointed. Chairman David Edmonds said he believed “we can operate at the same high level with a smaller board”.

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