Market monitor

Virtual chambers brings in first QC as it outlines global ambition

8 February 2021

A virtual set of tax and revenue-specialist barristers has multiplied from its two founders to 11 members since it launched last summer, with several based overseas as it looks to build a global practice.

First4Lawyers sets up law firm to handle road traffic claims

4 February 2021

Legal marketing business First4Lawyers is to create an alternative business structure to handle road traffic accident claims after the whiplash reforms are introduced in May.

Profession claims victory in fight against extended court hours

4 February 2021

The legal profession claimed victory last night in the fight against extended operating hours in the criminal courts – although the Ministry of Justice has not yet confirmed it.

Most firms made a profit last year despite Covid, survey finds

2 February 2021

The vast majority of law firms have made a profit since March, showing that predictions the pandemic would wreak havoc in the profession have not come to pass, according to new research.

Coca-Cola to penalise outside firms for insufficiently diverse teams

1 February 2021

Drinks giant Coca-Cola is to start penalising its panel law firms with reduced fees if they fail to deliver on diversity commitments, in a shift starting in the US and then expanding globally.

Solicitor boss of listed law firm cashes in £61m worth of shares

29 January 2021

The boss of listed law firm Knights, David Beech, has cashed in £61m worth of shares, the company announced today, just under half of his stake in the business.

ABS offers “litigation concession” inside law firms

27 January 2021

A joint venture alternative business structure specialising in dispute resolution for SMEs is launching a new service for law firms which it compares to “a concession in a department store”.

GCs at private equity firms “lack control of legal spending”

25 January 2021

Senior in-house lawyers at large private equity firms are responsible for the cost of instructing law firms but lack the power to control it, a study has found.

Barristers take on debt and other work to survive pandemic

22 January 2021

Six in 10 barristers, rising to 80% of those doing publicly funded work, have taken on personal debt or used savings to get through Covid-19, while a quarter have taken on additional paid work.

Knights aims to plug geographical gaps throughout UK

19 January 2021

The boss of listed law firm Knights has outlined his ambitions to continue expanding the business across England, with Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland also in his sights.

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TikTok or TikNot: Is social media working for you?

The average law firm spends around a quarter of its marketing budget on social media but sees little in return, our research found.

Tomorrow’s legal landscape: helping firms prepare for change

Law firms must constantly question the status quo and be willing to adapt. Take nothing for granted. Never say ‘we’ve always done it this way’; never say ‘we’re lawyers and we’re different’.

Succession (Season 5) – Santa looks to the future

It’s time for the annual Christmas blog from Nigel Wallis, consultant at Legal Futures Associate O’Connors Legal Services.

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