Consumer panel

“Satisfaction levels do not tell the whole story” – consumer panel defends survey findings

19 July 2017

The findings from the Legal Services Consumer Panel’s latest tracker survey that people are generally satisfied with their lawyers does not detract from the concerns over their lack of shopping around before choosing one, the panel has said. “Those who access the service are satisfied, but what about those who can’t?” it said.

Legal market “at standstill” as clients fail to shop around – but they are happy with lawyers they pick

18 July 2017

The legal services market is “at a standstill”, with consumers still relying “too heavily on reputation” and reluctant to shop around, the Legal Services Consumer Panel has said. At the same time, however, their satisfaction with the advice they received was high.

Interim chair for Legal Services Board named with no sign of recruitment process

24 April 2017

A former chief executive of Natural England is to take over as interim chairman of the Legal Services Board next week after Sir Michael Pitt’s term comes to an end without the recruitment exercise for his successor having even begun.

Consumer panel warns against “information overload” in new transparency regime

22 March 2017

The Legal Services Consumer Panel has warned of “information overload” as legal regulators struggle to come to terms with the demands of the Competition and Markets Authority for transparency on prices and complaints.

News in brief: Solicitors in hot water over dodgy investment schemes, disqualified barrister disbarred and much more

9 December 2016

We round up news stories from the week we haven’t had room to cover, including more sanctions for solicitors caught up in dodgy investment schemes, a new chair for the Legal Services Consumer Panel, a barrister being disbarred over payments to himself, advice on price transparency, and much more.

Consumer panel: We don’t need to be separated from the Legal Services Board

30 November 2016

There are “clear benefits” in the Legal Services Consumer Panel remaining part of the Legal Services Board, the panel’s chair has argued. Elisabeth Davies said the status quo allowed the LSB and the approved regulators to “access consumer insight on tap”.

BME consumers “getting a raw deal from the law” compared to white clients

16 November 2016

Black and minority ethnic (BME) consumers of legal services are getting a “raw deal” when choosing and using legal services, according to the Legal Services Consumer Panel, after its research showed levels of trust, loyalty and satisfaction lower among BME groups that white British consumers.

Creating a ‘two-tier profession’ – Consumer panel joins opposition to SRA plan

27 September 2016

The Legal Services Consumer Panel and the Legal Ombudsman are the latest organisations to come out against the Solicitors Regulation Authority’s proposal that practising solicitors be allowed to handle unreserved legal work for the public from unregulated firms.

Force family lawyers to offer fixed fees, consumer panel suggests

24 August 2016

Family law specialists should be required to work under fixed fees, the Legal Services Consumer Panel has suggested as it ramped up its call for regulatory intervention to improve transparency in the market. It said family law was one area where it advised that regulators “should now consider mandating fixed fees”.

Making lawyers publish “average” prices will energise consumers, says panel

25 July 2016

The Legal Services Consumer Panel said last week that it was “not blind to the challenges of increased price transparency”, but insisted that making lawyers publish “average” prices could be the catalyst for making consumers ask more questions about cost.

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