Consumer panel

Consumer panel slams compensation fund reforms

1 May 2020

The Legal Services Consumer Panel has attacked SRA plans to reform the Compensation Fund, saying it should instead stop draining the fund to pay for closing down law firms.

Opinions split on SRA’s centralised higher rights test

27 March 2020

Plans by the Solicitors Regulation Authority to introduce a centralised test for solicitors wanting higher rights of audience have divided opinions among organisations and individual solicitors.

Consumer panel urges more fixed fees and SRA fining powers

19 March 2020

More use of fixed fees and an increase in the Solicitors Regulation Authority’s fining powers are among recommendations made today by the Legal Services Consumer Panel.

Lawyers hit back at complaint publication plans

5 February 2020

The Law Society and Bar Council have strongly attacked plans by the Legal Ombudsman to extend its publication of information about complaints, arguing that it would not help consumers.

Law Society attacks “massively uncertain” Mayson reforms

17 January 2020

Reforms to the regulation of legal services proposed by an independent review would lead to a “massively uncertain and costly system”, the president of the Law Society has said.

Revealed: BSB pulls plug on funding for Legal Choices

2 September 2019

The Bar Standards Board has decided to stop funding Legal Choices, the consumer-facing website which until now has been collectively run and paid for by all the legal regulators.

One in three legal consumers using online services

30 July 2019

A third of consumers are now accessing legal services online while telephone-based services are declining, new research has found. However, the proportion shopping around is still relatively low.

Consumer panel urges regulators to publish complaints data

16 July 2019

The Legal Services Consumer Panel has criticised legal regulators’ continuing “resistance” to publishing complaints data about the lawyers they oversee.

Consumer panel urges regulators to act on lawtech

22 May 2019

Regulators need to monitor the development of legal technology and issue guidance to help maximise the opportunities it presents while delivering the necessary protection for consumers.

Consumer panel attacks SRA over freelance solicitors ‘u-turn’

17 April 2019

The chair of the Legal Services Consumer Panel has strongly attacked the Solicitors Regulation Authority for changing its insurance requirements for freelance solicitors without giving a reason.

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