Consumer panel

Consumer panel backs greater recognition of McKenzie Friends

17 April 2014

A new trade association, the Society of McKenzie Friends, is to be launched to represent the non-lawyer advisers who charge fees, as the first step towards self-regulation. The news comes as the Legal Services Consumer Panel concludes that the public interest benefits of MFs outweigh the risks.

Regulators pledge data for comparison sites, as panel goes undercover to investigate web advice

10 April 2014

The Legal Services Consumer Panel has conducted a ‘mystery shopping’ exercise to assess consumers’ experience of online self-help tools for a divorce. Meanwhile, work by the panel to open up data held by regulators to be used by legal comparison websites took a major step forward.

Call for QC reaccreditation as QASA challenge staggers on

7 April 2014

The possibility of introducing re-accreditation for QCs, meaning that silk would no longer be a permanent appointment, and a power to strip them of the rank in the event of misconduct, was floated last week.

Lawyers and consumers at odds over control of appointments to the SRA

7 April 2014

The Law Society found itself at loggerheads with the Legal Services Consumer Panel last week after the pair placed themselves on opposite sides of the debate over who should run the process of choosing the chairman and board of the Solicitors Regulation Authority.

The quality of quality marks: getting better but still a long way to go

3 April 2014

The major quality marks used in the profession are becoming more credible, but many still have “a long way to go” before consumers can use them with confidence, a new assessment has concluded.

Consumer panel chief: it’s how the work is done, not who does it, that matters in new legal world

19 March 2014

Lawyers need to find new ways to differentiate themselves in an era when their professional titles will start to lose meaning for consumers, according to the chair of the Legal Services Consumer Panel.

Gulf opens between profession and consumer groups over LSB lay chairs proposal

3 February 2014

The Legal Services Board’s consultation on its plan to oblige frontline regulators to have lay chairs has met a barrage of opposition from regulators and lawyers, pitted against consumer advocates, which strongly backed the measure.

Probe into growth of ‘professional’ McKenzie Friends

7 January 2014

The Legal Services Consumer Panel has begun an investigation into the emergence of ‘professional’ McKenzie Friends who charge litigants in person for their services, it has emerged.

LeO ‘cost per complaint’ too high, benchmarking survey finds

25 November 2013

The Legal Ombudsman compares well with similar schemes on case resolution speeds, client satisfaction and perceptions of fairness, but many complainants reject its findings and its cost per complaint is high, according to a study.

Consumer panel throws weight behind compulsory lay chairs plan

19 November 2013

The Legal Services Board’s consumer body has come out strongly in favour of making it compulsory that the chairs of the frontline regulators are not drawn from the profession, saying it would help counter conservatism in liberalising the legal market.

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