Alternative business structures

Niche ABS goes public ahead of market listing “in three or four years”

1 September 2016

A niche health and social care alternative business structure has incorporated as a public limited company as a prelude to a future expansion and stock exchange listing. Ridouts Solicitors has no immediate plans to become a listed company but was getting it “ducks in a row” so as to be ready for when it happens.

Exclusive: Kent Legal Services chief lays out blueprint for ABS

31 August 2016

The move to move Kent County Council’s legal team into an alternative business structure (ABS) is now well underway, with a white-label service to private law firms for routine work likely to be part of its offering, Legal Futures can reveal.

ABSs may “dominate in high-volume legal services”, study says

17 August 2016

The traditional law firm partnership structure is still dominant in the profession but the arrival of alternative business structures has disrupted the status quo and may eventually become the norm in high-volume legal services, according to research.

New ABS rules will smooth path for group structures and private equity, says SRA

11 August 2016

Freeing up the rules on licensing alternative business structures will help the Solicitors Regulation Authority deal with more complex applications, such as those from businesses that form part of a group or have private equity investment, it has told the government.

Law Society backs ABS proposals but urges caution before declaring them a success

3 August 2016

The Law Society has backed government proposals to remove restrictions on alternative business structures (ABSs) so as to encourage more to enter the market, but also recommended caution before declaring that they have increased competition and are no more risky than traditional law firms.

Fairpoint trains focus on “higher-growth, lower-margin” legal services business

21 July 2016

AIM-listed Fairpoint Group is set to become almost entirely a legal services business after announcing that it will stop offering debt management plans – which was once a key part of its business. It said that from next year the group would focus on its “higher-growth legal services segment”.

Gateley “seeing the benefits” of being UK’s first listed law firm

19 July 2016

Gateley is seeing the benefits of being the first UK-listed law firm, its chairman said today as it announced record turnover. Revenue increased 10.2% to £67.1m in the year to 30 April 2016, with profit before tax up 12.2% to £11m. As a result shareholders are to see a final dividend of 3.764p.

Exclusive: Horizontal integration in action as funeral director sets up ABS

18 July 2016

A family-run firm of funeral directors with 36 branches has become the first of its kind to set up an alternative business structure. Lodge Brothers Legal Services, launched last week, offers fixed-fee services for clients wanting wills, probate and powers of attorney.

Pioneering council ABSs join forces to create biggest local authority legal team

15 July 2016

The first local authority alternative business structure to be given a licence by the Solicitors Regulation Authority has been taken over by the second. Lawyers at Buckinghamshire County Council have joined HB Public Law, making it the largest local authority legal team in the country.

Government lays out plans to encourage more ABSs to enter market

7 July 2016

The government is today laying out plans to remove restrictions on alternative business structures (ABSs) on the basis that they have proven no more risky than traditional law firms. However, it has delayed publication of the consultation on the independence of legal regulators from representative bodies.

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