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FCA urges Supreme Court to act quickly over car finance mis-selling

14 November 2024

The Financial Conduct Authority is to ask the Supreme Court to make a quick decision on whether it will hear the appeal against the recent decision on car finance mis-selling.

Barristers “wrongly think they work within AML regulations”

14 November 2024

Barristers are wrongly stating that their work is covered by the money laundering regulations in their annual declarations to the Bar Standards Board, it has emerged.

Risk assessment failures land more firms with AML fines

13 November 2024

The Solicitors Regulation Authority has issued fines totalling £57,000 to eight more law firms for failures in their anti-money laundering controls.

Solicitor “created hundreds of file notes” to bolster costs claim

13 November 2024

A judge has condemned a solicitor for “the worst example of tampering with a file of papers that I have ever encountered” in reducing a bill claimed at nearly £260,000 to zero.

SDT “right to strike off” solicitor involved in fraudulent PI claim

13 November 2024

The Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal was right to strike off a solicitor who took part in a fraudulent personal injury claim, even though he was not the instigator, the High Court has ruled.

“Vulnerable” legal aid solicitors feel “taken advantage of”

13 November 2024

Legal aid solicitors feel they have been “neglected the most and taken advantage of” in the years following the LASPO cuts, according to an academic study.

Tribunal clears solicitors over volume litigation misconduct

12 November 2024

The Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal has dismissed allegations of misconduct against two high-profile solicitors over their handling of volume financial mis-selling claims.

Employment law silks clash over impact of BSB equality duty

12 November 2024

Two leading employment law silks have clashed over the new, proactive equality duty proposed by the Bar Standards Board, disagreeing on how much of an impact it will have on barristers.

Transatlanctic tie-up leads way in latest M&A activity

12 November 2024

Herbert Smith Freehills has announced a “transformational” merger with a US firm, while HF has bought a construction practice, among recent M&A deals.

Immigration firm “advised beyond its competence”

12 November 2024

A tribunal has rejected an appeal from an immigration adviser and firm whose registration was cancelled for breaches of the OISC code that were “as extensive as they were serious”.

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AI in claims management: Help or hindrance?

There’s a lot of talk about artificial intelligence in the claims management industry. Will it revolutionise the sector, or is it simply a tool to make processes a little easier?

Will AI replace lawyers or enhance their work?

AI offers a powerful opportunity to optimise legal work, reduce administrative burdens and improve efficiency. But concerns about taking lawyers’ jobs is a barrier to adoption.

How to build a legal project management team

Measured client benefit is the ultimate test of any innovative decision, and projects supported by our LPM team are proven to show increased efficiency and client satisfaction.

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