Law firm defends employment case “entirely of its own making”
A solicitor has failed in a claim for a bonus of nearly £10,000 after a contractual dispute an employment tribunal found “entirely” of his law firm’s making.
CA to consider whether Stonewall “induced” chambers’ discrimination
The Court of Appeal is to consider a barrister’s claim that LGBT charity Stonewall “caused or induced” discrimination against her by her chambers.
Tribunal “copied most of ruling” from one side’s submissions
A judge has strongly criticised an employment tribunal that copied most of its reasons from the respondent’s witness evidence or written submissions.
Disabled paralegal’s £41k damages over unfair law firm dismissal
A paralegal has been awarded £41,000 in damages against a law firm that unfairly dismissed and discriminated against her because she could not work full-time due to disability.
City firm unfairly dismissed associate over party misconduct claims
A leading City law firm unfairly dismissed a senior associate for sexual misconduct after a defective investigation and disciplinary process, an employment tribunal has ruled.
LPC graduate’s claim against law firm thrown out for late filing
An LPC graduate who knew she had three months to issue an employment tribunal claim against a law firm where she worked has been refused an extension of time to bring it.
Ex-Slater & Gordon lawyer fails in appeal over dismissal
A senior costs specialist at Slater & Gordon has failed in his appeal against a ruling that he had not been unfairly dismissed and was not harassed at work.
Barrister “ineligible for judicial posts” fails in JAC discrimination claim
A tribunal has struck out a discrimination claim brought by a disabled barrister over failed applications for judicial appointment because he was not eligible for the posts.
Partner fails in discrimination claim against City law firm
An employment tribunal has comprehensively rejected a former Rosenblatt partner’s claim that he suffered discrimination on the grounds of race and for making a protected disclosure.
Firm entitled to ask disabled secretary to consider hybrid working
It was reasonable for a London law firm to raise the possibility of a disabled secretary who worked from home spending two days a week in the office, a tribunal has ruled.