The Amazon effect
I have to be honest and say it still amazes me how many lawyers we come into contact with, who are still behaving like dinosaurs when it comes to technology. It’s not about chronological age.
Measuring success by your ability to embrace change
For any business operating today, change is inevitable. The legal sector is no exception and firms must embrace change to maintain growth, success and their competitive edge.
Meeting the client-care requirements is more than sending a letter
One of the first key pieces of correspondence with a new client is your client care letter. Judging by some I’ve seen over the years, there could be more ‘care’ put into constructing the contents of the letter.
The time factor
Do your fee-earners value, manage and capture your firm’s most precious commodity effectively? Or put another way, should your firm be generating an extra £111,000+ per fee-earner each year?
List of questions grows for the SCT portal
Nobody is under any illusion that the small claims track portal is in some disarray. The MIB has held public information meetings, but these have simply focused attention on the lack of joined-up thinking.
Mind the gap
The gap I am talking about is the one between what PII and the compensation fund covers. It is a surprisingly large gap and so far hundreds of clients, and millions of pounds, have fallen into it.
Managing internal and external procedures to drive success
Managing a large volume of cases simultaneously with regulation can often prove challenging. But it comes amid a shift towards a more digital approach to case management.
Beyond the buzzword: how we really achieve diversity
Encouraging diversity is now almost a universal feature in law firm recruitment strategies, with public commitments, recruitment campaigns and a wide range of initiatives ongoing across the sector.
Fostering diversity through innovation
As Moore Blatch’s first black full equity partner, I recognise that confidence has a huge impact on a BME candidate’s success in law.
Empowering the next generation
Public legal education is a mandatory part of the national curriculum; however, a lack of trained citizenship teachers means that the quality of legal education in schools is in sharp decline.