Can data analytics unlock the potential for diversity in the law?
Data, equity and inclusion analytics can play a pivotal role in increasing diversity and inclusion efforts by enabling organisations to effectively identify gaps, prioritise action and measure progress.
The growth game – better to buy than build?
A law firm without a growth strategy is like any business that fails to plan for the future. It may continue to thrive in the short term but in the long term it is unlikely to succeed.
Preparing your staff for returning to the office
A recent story hit the headlines that CEOs were struggling to get their employees back into the office following the lifting of Covid-19 restrictions.
Litigation funding: Maturity and mergers
The general industry consensus is that multiple new entrants will continue to enter the litigation funding market, attracted by what they perceive as the potential gains and the lack of barriers to entry.
The future of international mediation for lawyers
The pandemic has seen a significant increase in the number of international mediations that have taken place online. As more countries sign-up to the Singapore Convention, this trend is likely to increase.
Is artificial intelligence making lawyers redundant?
In 2018, PwC suggested that AI threatened 30% of jobs in the UK. Much of the discussion on the introduction of AI and the potential effects on the legal sector is equally negative.
Help lawyers overcome productivity barriers when working with documents
Lawyers who can manage their documents from creation to completion are becoming increasingly important for firms, particularly if a firm has a remote or distributed workforce.
Making a compelling case for online reviews
A flurry of headlines and agitated comments was perhaps predictable when a draft policy paper before the Legal Services Board raised the prospect of firms being forced to sign up to online review sites.
Has the UK crowdfunding marketplace reached a crossroads?
Crowdfunding can be an attractive prospect for investors looking for high returns but a recent case has highlighted the risks involved and the apparent lack of due diligence.
Virtual appraisals: Finding the opportunity in the challenge
Having an appraisal in the online arena presents an unsettling prospect – not just for the appraisee but also for the appraiser.