You win some, you lose some – class actions post Google
In November, Google received two court rulings, through which it both closed and opened the door to class actions against it. So what do the decisions mean for future class actions?
Clinical negligence, a changing market – part 1
The consolidation of law firms through merger and acquisition has resulted in fewer, but more sophisticated and expert clinical negligence practices.
How to set your law firm up for success in 2022
At this time of year, law firms around the country are busy strategising and implementing plans for the coming 12 months. Forward-planning is a crucial part of a firm’s success, but where to start?
Are you ready to sign a personal guarantee to secure your indemnity insurance?
Perhaps the most worrying trend we are seeing in the professional indemnity market is the increased scrutiny of the financial position of SME law firms and demand for personal guarantees.
How English law is failing Islamic communities and ethnic minorities
There should be efforts to minimise the gap between the UK’s domestic laws and its citizens’ religious laws with a view to merging all the different laws into the English legal system.