Why turning education into knowledge requires a special kind of teaching

Kaplan-AltiorOne of the greatest quotes of all time, when it comes to learning came from Benjamin Franklin, one of the United States founding fathers.

“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn,” he said.

Well over two centuries since these wise words were first uttered, they remain as relevant in today’s highly sophisticated world as they did back then.

In any form of learning, only by the pupil being engaged will what is being taught by the tutor and textbooks be turned into useful knowledge.

However, the complexities of education at any level means those learning, if they want to get ahead, cannot take a back seat. Yet in our view leaders aren’t always born, but sometimes made.

It is simply because these are the people who have belief, are engaged and take an active role, which means they learn quicker and move forward accordingly.

After all, in classroom situations, those who want to learn the most participate more and are generally at the front of the class, and the ones at the back, take a back seat.

Here at Kaplan Altior, virtually all our trainers have been employed in the legal profession before teaching, giving them a more measured standpoint on the job they do.

Many have watched as solicitors in years gone by have sat behind counsel in court and given the impression they could be up there doing a better job. 

Sadly though, these men and women with sharp minds often retire eaten up with frustration, because they never took action and learnt the skills necessary to attain their Higher Rights qualification.

However, confidence and a pro-active mind set to take action needs nurturing on many occasions. 

Having patience to build confidence is vital, and we at Kaplan Altior, as do all good training providers, realise this is a fundamental part of teaching.

Focusing on the practicalities and application that does not come from a book or a power-point slide, but from active participation fires up the mind of individuals – it helps those a little reticent about a learning environment overcome the fear of being in the front row.

After all, there is many a fresh solicitor who has been trembling after being given a file to attend a court hearing at a moment’s notice.  Court is not the place to practice, especially in an era of court time being more precious than ever. What is needed is advocacy training courses, which recreates real courtroom situations, so when that file lands in your lap, you can take a confident foot forward.

Equally, for instance, business development and networking courses recreate lifelike scenarios to build the skillset needed to approach business opportunities with confidence.

In short, all courses worth their salt must offer far more than just theory.

This mind set of having the novice ready and able when called upon has to be at the heart of turning all education into applied knowledge and experience. It is not something that comes easily though. The teacher has work to do, and all good trainers appreciate this.

After all, as American poet William Arthur Ward said: The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.”

This surely cannot be argued with. Transferring education to the knowledge that can help an individual fulfil their potential is a magnificent vocation, which all the best legal training providers can never lose sight of.

Associate News is provided by Legal Futures Associates.
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