SRA thematic review of asylum legal services in 2024

DG LegalBy Legal Futures Associate DG Legal

Following the SRA’s thematic review of Immigration & Asylum work in 2022, it issued and updated its detailed findings alongside guidance on performing Immigration work in November 2022.

This was followed by a warning notice, issued in September 2023, regarding solicitors potentially advising clients to falsify or fabricate information to support Home Office applications for asylum or leave to remain. This guidance was issued following a newspaper sting in which a number of firms and individuals were reported to the SRA for potentially advising clients or prospective clients to falsify or fabricate information.

In addition, the SRA was concerned that it had also identified risks around solicitors producing poorly drafted applications, or advising their clients to pursue totally without merit appeals of Home Office decisions through the courts. The SRA took disciplinary action and closed down three firms.

The SRA undertook a further thematic review of Immigration & Asylum work during 2023/2024.  Amie Higgins, Consultant at DG Legal has produced a useful advice note which can be downloaded for free here:

Amie also joined Adam Pipe, to discuss Best Practice for Asylum Legal Services following the recent SRA review. To view this essential update for anyone handling asylum matters, please visit:


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