360 Legal Group, which provides business support to law firms, has formed an alliance with Saffery Champness, top 20 firm of chartered accountants, to provide its membership with access to specialised audit, taxation and accountancy services.
Working with over 700 law firms, 360 Legal Group provides consultancy services and access to business products and tools to help them to manage and market their practices more successfully and profitably. The two organisations will jointly be hosting a programme of seminars for lawyers throughout the country in the coming months, with the first event being held in Bristol in June.
Viv Williams, CEO of 360 Legal Group, said: “We chose Saffery Champness because of their focus on the legal sector and their ability to deliver a full range of quality services to our members across the country.”
Andrew Alder, partner and head of the Legal Sector Team at Saffery Champness, commented: “We are delighted to be working with 360 Legal, an organisation that is highly regarded by the legal profession. We believe that there is real synergy between the respective offerings of our two organisations and that together we can provide law firms of all sizes with the advice and support they need at this particularly challenging time for the sector. Each of our seven offices in England has a legal sector team which is committed to serve the needs of law firms in their local area.”