Q&A with Allianz business development manager Steve Rowley

rowley s 24709  0979Q: As a business development manager what do your daily responsibilities include?

A: I am responsible for leading our sales team effort in the identification and execution of new business opportunities across the varied distribution channels in which Allianz Legal Protection operate; from delivering ATE insurance solutions designed for progressive law firms to fit with their client proposition to supporting the wider Allianz Group (Retail and Commercial Divisions) with legal expenses product capability.

Q: What is your favourite thing about working in insurance?

A: Having the opportunity to be creative and innovative to deliver customer valued solutions in an ever changing market place

Q: What has been one of your personal highlights working in the insurance?

A: Creating an accessible consumer legal services solution that brings together the best of legal expenses insurance, advice and online support which otherwise are only available as isolated products.

Q: If you could change one thing about the insurance industry what would it be?

A: Improve clarity for customers on who the actual insurer / underwriter is of their policy and what their financial rating is.

Q: What would be your perfect day away from work?

A: Body boarding in North Cornwall followed by a beach BBQ and some golden nectar

Q: If you could learn anything what would this be and why?

A: Next week’s Euro Millions numbers – obvious reasons!

Q: Name one thing your colleagues wouldn’t know about you

A: I’m quite green fingered and like nothing more than spending a few hours tending the garden

Q: What do you like to do with your spare time?

A: Sport & gardening

Q: Do you have a favourite hobby or sport?

A: Football, golf & squash

Q: What is your favourite family holiday destination?

A: North Cornwall and Side in Turkey

Q: What celebrity would you like to meet at for a cup of coffee?

A: The late Beatles lead guitarist George Harrison

Q: What’s the most unusual thing you’ve ever eaten?

A: I dread to think what’s in a kebab at 2 in the morning!

Q: Finally, what one thing motivates you in the morning?

A: Waking up

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