Q: As a business development manager what do your daily responsibilities include?
A: I am responsible for a team of four Business Developers and for the relationship management of all existing business. In addition I have responsibility for assisting the winning new business aka the lifeblood of our business!
Q: What is your favourite thing about working in insurance?
A: The people. People really care about doing the right thing and taking pride in what they do.
Q: What has been one of your personal highlights working in insurance?
A: There are so many but I would single out seeing people who have worked with me go onto achieve management roles within Allianz.
Q: If you could change one thing about the insurance industry what would it be?
A: The pace of getting things done, which means doing things more quickly!
Q: What would be your perfect day away from work?
A: Spending Saturday watching Millwall win, ideally at home which seems a rarity these days and spending time with my little grandson Leo.
Q: If you could learn anything what would this be and why?
A: To play a musical instrument. It seems a really good way to relax and while away any spare time in a constructive way.
Q: Name one thing your colleagues wouldn’t know about you
A: I have attended 80 out of the current 92 football league grounds.
Q: What do you like to do with your spare time?
A: Watching sport, spending time with my grandson.
Q: What is your favourite family holiday destination?
Q: What celebrity would you like to meet at for a cup of coffee?
A: I’m not into celebrities. If you mean someone who has actually achieved something then Jesse Owens would have been fascinating to talk too
Q: What’s the most unusual thing you’ve ever eaten?
A: Hogs Head and black eyed peas with collard greens and biscuit.
Q: Finally, what one thing motivates you in the morning?
A: Knowing that I have a day of insurance to look forward to.