On the road with ARAG ATE

ARAGBy Legal Futures Associate ARAG

We’ve held a series of seminars through the summer and into the autumn, talking to practitioners about how the landscape for clinical negligence and serious injury has changed over the 10 years since the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act (LASPO) was implemented, and how ARAG has continued to adapt our ATE policies to meet the changing demands of the sector.

Far from creating the watershed that LASPO was intended to, satellite litigation and further reform have been pretty much constant, over the intervening decade. Even since we started delivering the seminars, the government has extended the Fixed Recoverable Costs regime once; launched and responded to another consultation on the subject and announced a further extension to be implemented in April next year.

Members of our ATE Sales team hosted events in London, Manchester, Leeds, Bristol and Newcastle, in conjunction with colleagues from Tula Medical Experts and independent costs specialists Kain Knight.

The many guests who attended the seminars also got to hear the views of barristers from St John’s Chambers, Old Square Chambers, Deans Court Chambers and Parklane Plowden who joined us in hosting these important events.

Each of the seminars met the SRA requirements for continuing competence and learning & development. We even managed to run a charity raffle at every venue, with all proceeds going to Action Against Medical Accidents (AvMA).

If you’d like to know more about the seminar content or get on the guest list for next year’s events, please contact the ARAG ATE team at atesalesteam@arag.co.uk


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