Northwest-based learning hub offer free training sessions with the biggest names in law

Estate ResearchThe Estate Research Learning Hub, which now has over 6,500 registered members, is excited to launch its new LET’S TALK webinar series – a brilliant range of free 90-minute sessions bringing together some of the biggest names in private client law to discuss, debate and answer your questions in a virtual panel setting.

The LET’S TALK sessions begin on Tuesday 14 March, with one session per month, with questions being answered by top legal professionals, including Professor Lesley King, Stephen Lawson, John Bunker, Anthony Nixon, Helen Forster and James Beresford.

Estate Research, a probate genealogy firm that locate missing next of kin and beneficiaries to estates for private client practitioners, began hosting webinars during the early days of the pandemic to support their clients in continuing their CPD as training events and conferences were cancelled.

Dominic Hendry, Head of Private Client commented “We have developed quite a following from the expert webinars that we have hosted over the last three years, and these new Q&A panel sessions are a natural extension that give practitioners the rare opportunity to ask questions to some of the most in-demand experts for free.”

Within the four webinars, four key areas will be discussed. The first webinar hosted by Prof. Lesley King and Stephen Lawson will focus on discussing the 1975 Inheritance for Family and Dependants Act, how to minimise the risk of a successful claim when preparing a will and how practitioners can assess the risk of a claim succeeding if faced with a potential claim after death.

Prof. Lesley King is also present for the second webinar, joined by John Bunker. This session highlights how RNRB changed the world of will drafting and estate planning for spouses and gives opportunities for raising queries about how this works in practice.

The third webinar will discuss trusts and how tax can be bewildering, even for experienced practitioners. Anthony Nixon and Helen Forster will talk through discretionary trusts and life interest trusts before answering questions and discussing the latest case law, including Hall and another (re Raboni) [2023] UKFTT 32 (TC) and the implications for tax planning.

Finally, Prof. Lesley King and James Beresford will discuss how drafting wills gets no easier, especially if disgruntled family members are ready to challenge the dispositions of estates. They’ll highlight steps which can reduce the chances of challenges being made and how to overcome them if they are.

Webinar dates and times are as follows:

LET’S TALK Inheritance Act Claims and Fairness in Wills
Prof. Lesley King and Stephen Lawson
14 March 2023 at 12pm

LET’S TALK RNRB – Key features and planning opportunities
Prof. Lesley King and John Bunker
18 April 2023 at 11am

Anthony Nixon and Helen Forster
16 May 2023 at 12pm

LET’S TALK De-risking will make
Prof. Lesley King and James Beresford
20 June 2023 at 11am

Each session will begin with a discussion from the key speakers, and then the floor will open to discuss issues brought in through submitted questions.

Registration is free and open now via the Estate Research Learning Hub; updates for all webinar series can be found on their LinkedIn profile.


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