Lawyer Checker, PracticeEvolve, SOS and Linetime join to provide anti-fraud webinar

LinetimeBy Legal Futures’ Associates Linetime

Lawyer Checker have partnered with PracticeEvolve, incorporating SOS and Linetime to provide their popular and insightful anti-fraud webinar, outlining the types of fraud and what firms can do to minimise the threat.

Focusing on conveyancing, the webinar is being held on Thursday 03rd June 2021 at midday, the webinar is open to all users across all firms.

Adam Bullion, General Manager of Marketing at PracticeEvolve comments, “This webinar is always a popular topic with fraud being so prevalent in the legal market. We have a responsibility to the market to continually educate our clients and the wider market as to what the common threats are and, importantly, what they can do to minimise the threats. I’m delighted to be joined by Tom Lyes of Lawyer Checker. Having worked with Tom and his team over the years, he has exceptional knowledge and offers very pertinent advice.”

Tom Lyes, Director of Engagement at Lawyer Checker points to the need for everyone in a firm to be aware of the potential threats that exist, “We’ve conducted some recent analysis of SRA Scam Alerts which show an alarming 113% rise between March 2020 and March 2021. It’s crucial that all levels of staff are aware of the risks and threats and what resources are available to offer protection to staff, consumers and the business. “

Register for the webinar, 12.00pm, Thursday 3rd June 2021.


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