Land Data welcomes NLIS Channel license applications

Land DataLand Data, the National Land Information Service (NLIS) regulator, is inviting companies to apply for a license to operate as a regulated provider of NLIS sourced data.

To help mitigate the effects of COVID-19 on the property searches sector, companies who already order Local Authority, Coal Authority or HMLR official searches could benefit hugely from a NLIS Channel license with its secure, seamless, electronic service.

NLIS Channel license benefits include:

  • No upfront Channel License fee
  • No monthly subscription – making it a low-cost ‘bolt on’ to your existing business
  • A pay as you use service – you only pay for the searches you order
  • Certainty of supply – currently over 95% of LA Local Land Charge departments are operational via NLIS
  • Electronic connection to all Local Authorities for ordering and return. No paper ordering, no cheques
  • Access to the full range of Coal Authority searches
  • Secure billing

Jan Boothroyd Land Data Chief Executive said: “Companies are beginning to move on from the first reaction to the COVID-19 crisis which was, quite rightly, to ensure the health and well-being of staff, stakeholders and customers. The next phase will involve all of us looking at how our businesses operate, reviewing and stabilising business continuity and adapting to our ‘new normal’.  With no up-front fees or monthly subscriptions there has never been a better time to become a licensed NLIS Channel.”

NLIS connects licensed channels directly to land and property information held by Local Authorities, central Government, and other organisations that provide official sources of land and property data. It is the safest and most secure data hub in the land and property search information sector and offers the highest standards of electronic property search accessibility available today.  NLIS was established in 2001, it is regulated by Land Data and is the only Government approved and regulated electronic land and property searches portal in the market.

Companies interested in acquiring a NLIS Channel license can register their interest on the website –

If you would like to know more, contact Land Data at


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