Holmes & Hills invests in the future with SOS Connect

SOS200Holmes & Hills has signed a six-figure deal for SOS Connect from Solicitors Own Software (SOS) as part of its drive to harness technology to deliver an enhanced service to clients.

The firm is replacing its legacy legal solution with SOS Connect for integrated practice and case management.

Holmes & Hills is a full service law firm with approaching 100 people based in five offices across Essex and Suffolk.

Managing partner Mark Cornell says the decision was taken to opt for a single firmwide solution after many years with its previous providers.

“One of the main catalysts was that we had new people joining us who had worked with SOS, and they opened our eyes about the efficiencies we may be missing,” he says.

“This led to the realisation that the disjointed IT platforms which we’d been using for around 20 years were actually holding us back. We spoke to several providers and decided to opt for SOS Connect because it stood out, both in terms of the product and the people behind it.

“We are now putting a lot of work into the transition and plan to go live in the summer. We are a forward-thinking firm which has grown 40 per cent in the last four years and are confident that SOS Connect will help us to become even more efficient in delivering a better product to our clients.”

David McNamara, managing director at SOS, said: “After looking at the alternatives, Holmes & Hills quickly came to realise that it needed to make a change in terms of its legal IT solution. The firm has a very clear vision of its future growth plans and its migration to SOS Connect is a key staging post in its continued success.”


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