Eclipse’s Proclaim Case Management Software solution enables seamless file transfer at Sterling Costs


Louise Carlisle, director at Sterling Costs

Eclipse Legal Systems, the sole Law Society Endorsed legal software provider, is implementing its Proclaim Case Management Software solution at Sterling Costs, a national firm of Costs Lawyers and Law Costs Draftsmen.

The firm, which has offices in Cheshire and London, prides itself on its team of Costs Lawyers and Draftsmen who specialise in all areas of costs law.

With clients nationwide, ranging from sole practitioners to large city practices, and separate departments for privately and publically funded matters, Sterling Costs is one of the relatively few firms to offer a full service in relation to Legal Aid costs (including submission to the Legal Aid Agency via CCMS).

Eclipse has implemented an out-of-the-box Proclaim Costs Drafting Software application to integrate a core case management system with reporting and task management, providing a complete solution for the firm’s business requirements.

The comprehensive legal software solution will provide unrivalled flexibility in terms of the provision of services offered by Sterling Costs, enabling seamless file transfer between clients, with minimal intervention from staff.

Additionally, the team will benefit from Proclaim’s ability to assist with a number of aspects for bill creation, including production of a ‘red line’ bill, which will significantly increase turnaround time.

Louise Carlisle, director at Sterling Costs, comments:

“Our decision to implement Proclaim will not only enhance our service to existing clients, but also to prospective clients seeking to instruct costs draftsmen via a ‘one-click’ inception process.

“Eclipse’s Proclaim Case Management system has eliminated the time-consuming physical file transfer process, resulting in a faster turnaround time for clients, and enabling us to increase our case volume, whilst maintaining high levels of service.”

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