Centre for Assessment and PDA Legal team up for GDPR Workshops in London

CFAThe General Data Protection Regulation was approved in 2016 and businesses have been given 2 years, until 25th May 2018, to work towards compliance with the regulation.  We’re now just 8 months away from that date, and some businesses are still waiting; waiting to see what guidance comes from the ICO, waiting to see if Brexit will have an effect, waiting to understand where to start…

Most data breaches have been the result of human error. Bear that in mind when you consider that GDPR will affect all aspects of your business, from HR to Marketing, IT to Customer Services and, without doubt, the Legal team.

SRA registered law firms, departments and practitioners will find that GDPR interlinks with many mandatory Outcomes of the SRA Code of Conduct 2011. And, for those that are also accredited with (version 6 of) Lexcel, there might also be touchpoints with several requirements the Standard. On top of regulatory risk is the potential for serious reputational damage and, let us not forget, the consideration of risk in respect of the Insurance Act.

The more time you give yourself to work through the implications for the business and take action to update your current data protection processes and culture, the more likely you will feel confident come May 2018 that you’re in control of the personal data handled by your organisation.  The Scouts motto of ‘Be prepared’ should be adopted by all businesses in the lead up to 25th May 2018, and the implementation of GDPR.

We’re working with Centre for Assessment to offer legal professionals the chance to be ahead of the curve.

We are holding a number of interactive workshops in London to inform firms about the implications of GDPR in order to develop a solid preparation strategy, data handling culture and good practice for success in the future.

For more information and to book a course click here.

Neil Partridge and Regina Lally, PDA Legal

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