Beam powering a property revolution in Ireland with Hoowla conveyancing software’s API

hoowlaBy Legal Futures Associate Hoowla

Beam is an award-winning, innovative company in Ireland that’s shaking up the Irish property market. It is a digital-first conveyancing service operating nationwide. They’re part of Orbitus Law LLP, a full-service legal firm. They’ve won awards for their approach to conveyancing, and their goal is to make the process much less stressful for clients by emphasising customer service, technology, and transparency.

What’s impressive about Beam is their commitment to delivering exceptional service. They take great care to keep clients informed, respond to queries promptly, and ensure everything progresses as smoothly as possible. Whether clients are buying a house or switching their mortgage, Beam understands how daunting the process can be, and they make it their mission to keep things clear and straightforward.

At the heart of Beam’s operations is a tech-savvy team of in-house experts passionate about using technology to solve complex problems. The team has extensive experience in software development and integration, particularly in utilising APIs to create custom solutions beyond standard offerings. Beam has developed bespoke software that integrates seamlessly with Hoowla’s conveyancing software platform, allowing them to extend functionality and provide tailored services that meet the specific needs of their clients.

Beam’s lead management software is designed to handle leads from their broker network efficiently. This integrates with Hoowla’s conveyancing software platform through an API or Application Programming Interface. In simple terms, an API allows different software systems to communicate with each other. Using Hoowla’s API, Beam ensures that information flows smoothly between brokers, conveyancers, and clients. As soon as a lead is generated, Beam’s system captures the relevant details and tracks the progress throughout the conveyancing process. Hoowla’s API then feeds back important information about the case, keeping clients consistently updated on the status of their property transactions.

“From the first time I met the Beam team I knew they would be a great user of Hoowla. They share our passion for using technology to enhance the conveyancing process. “ says Adam Curtis, Managing Director of Hoowla

In their quest to continually enhance the client experience, Beam is proactive in optimising their internal processes, particularly within Hoowla’s conveyancing software. They’ve fully taken advantage of the platform’s flexibility to create custom workflows that align with their customer service objectives. For instance, they pay close attention to and customised the language used in all their workflows and communications, ensuring that it remains friendly, approachable, and customer-centric. This detailed approach reflects Beam’s promise to create a positive and supportive experience for every client.

Furthering Beam’s digital transformation efforts is their use of the rest of Hoowla’s conveyancing software, which offers tools for efficient case management. These tools include automated document generation, secure client portals, and real-time case tracking, enhancing client engagement throughout the process. Additionally, the platform’s advanced reporting features and task management capabilities enable Beam to monitor progress, allocate resources effectively, and ensure smooth operations.

With help from Hoowla’s conveyancing software, Beam is on a mission to shake up the Irish property market by harnessing the power of technology. By continuously innovating and adapting to the latest technological advancements, Beam sets new industry standards. Their focus on technology helps them stay ahead of the competition and positions them as a key player in transforming how property transactions are conducted in Ireland.

“We’ve had a great experience with Hoowla. Their innovative approach to legal case management has significantly streamlined our operations and are a key part of our tech stack. They’re incredibly responsive, addressing our needs promptly and with great care. It’s truly a pleasure working with a team that understands our challenges and provides top-notch solutions.” – Brian Stephenson, Managing Director at Beam.

At Hoowla, we are thrilled to partner with Beam, a forward-thinking and innovative company that is truly shaking up the Irish property market. Beam stands out as a trailblazer, using technology to deliver superior service and challenge traditional processes. Their dedication to their core values aligns perfectly with ours, making this collaboration especially exciting.

We are inspired by Beam’s commitment to reshaping the future of property transactions in Ireland. As they continue to grow and make significant strides in the market, we look forward to supporting their journey and seeing how they will continue transforming and enhancing the property landscape in Ireland.

If you’re looking for a new case management provider that can be customised with or without a developer to help you transform your conveyancing firm and take it to the next level, book a no-obligation conveyancing software demo with Adam.


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