Title Research: Free virtual seminar- Assets around the world: Identifying risks and protecting your clients’ interests in estate administration
28th April 2021 - Online
Title Research’s Business Development Manager, James Cameron, and Asset Repatriation Specialist, Kate Sunderland, will host our next virtual seminar on Wednesday 28th April at 12pm. In this live session, James and Kate will discuss foreign assets and will explain how to best protect your clients’ interests in estate administration. More specifically, they will cover:
• Dealing with foreign jurisdictions
• Grants & reseals
• Valuations & verifications
• Where asset repatriation can go wrong
• Where efficacy will lead to prosperity
There will also be a live Q&A session to answer any questions that you may have.
If you would like to join the seminar but can’t make it on the day, please still register – registrants will receive a link to the recording after the seminar has taken place.