Insight Legal: Trust vs Control – The practicalities of law firm and financial management, from a distance

29th April 2021 - Online

The issues of meeting risk and compliance regulatory requirements are always of the utmost importance to law firms, but never more so than when your fee earners and finance staff are working remotely.

As a strategic partner of The Law Society our Chief Operating Officer, Deborah Witkiss has been invited to look at the challenges and offer practical examples of how you can effectively balance trust vs control. We will also look into:

  • the practicalities of how to bridge the supervisory gap that may exist when staff are not working in the same location, and in particular how technology can assist,
  • the workings of the finance department, and how a COFA or other managers can be proactive in ensuring compliance,
  • practical examples of systems, processes and procedures that encourage effective law firm management, without taking away from fee earning time.

Join this webinar for practical advice and examples of how you can effectively balance trust vs control, particularly when your fee earners and finance staff are working remotely.

Event type: Webinar
When: 29 April 2021 10:00 – 11:00
Venue: Online
Cost: Free
