ILFM: Law Firm Cashflow & Lock Up Management

18th February 2025 at 10:00 am - Online

How much is 30 days’ cash worth to your firm?

Understanding your firm’s lock-up and cashflow is vital for good financial management and viability. This training provides clarity and guidance on how cash is generated in law firms, what lock-up is, and practical solutions on increasing your firm’s bank balance.

Who is it for?

Those in legal finance or law firm management, who require training on lock-up and cashflow management. This one-hour session is also perfect if you are new to your role in legal finance or require a refresher on the subject.

What will it cover?

  • Why is cashflow and lock-up management important?
  • Profit vs Cash
  • How to calculate lock-up and the impact of reducing it
  • Compliance requirements
  • Practical solutions to improve cashflow into your firm

1 hour of CPD training applicable.
