ILFM: ILFM Autumn Virtual Conference Nov 2024

19th November 2024 - Online

We are delighted to announce that we will be holding our ILFM Autumn Conference on Tuesday 19 November, via Zoom.

Guest speakers include:

Sean Hankin, Head of Forensic Investigation & Intelligence at the SRA. Topic: Sean will update us on everything Accounts Rules and Consumer Protection.

Aisling O’Connell, Head of Innovation Policy at the SRA. Topic: AI and risk management, a focus on AI and its opportunities and risks.

David Weaver, Head of Professional & Business Services at NatWest. Topic: David will be imparting the insights and feedback from the annual law firm benchmarking survey that NatWest runs each year with PKF Francis-Clark.

Andrew Allen, from PKF Francis-Clark. Andrew will be co-presenting with David Weaver from NatWest on their collaborative companies’ Law Firm Benchmarking Survey.

Bob Quick, Managing Director, GSA Global.

Ian Quayle, CEO of IQ Legal Training. Topic: Ian will be speaking on the subject of law firm leadership and management.

Uwais Iqbal, Founder & CEO of simplexico – The Legal AI Consultancy. Topic: Uwais will be speaking on the subject of fundamentals around AI and will impart what he and his team are hearing and seeing when it comes to law firms engagement with AI.

Ali Evans, Deputy Senior Corporate Patnerships Manager – Support Through Court. How law firms can help by donating residual client balances.

For further detail please visit our conference website page

BOOK NOW! You must register in order to attend (Zoom is accessed through the event).
