Exterro: The Legal GRC Landscape Today, and Tomorrow

24th September 2020 - Online

BST: 2pm – 3pm

According to Exterro’s recent 2020 Corporate Legal Leaders Survey, 7-in-10 Legal Departments are managing their data related problems by sharing technology to manage litigation, data privacy, compliance, and cybersecurity – all of which represent a new encompassing business landscape of Legal GRC (Governance, Risk and Compliance).

But for many, the silos that companies are still operating within make inter-departmental collaboration difficult. Only transparency and visibility into all organisational data can translate into total compliance with new and evolving litigation requirements, privacy regulations, anddata security risks.

And that transparency is only made possible with technology that can connect to all data sources within your organisation and harmonise the various challenges across the Legal GRC landscape that different stakeholders must address.

Register for this webinar to explore:

  • The challenges that Legal Leaders need to overcome in order to spearhead a comprehensive data management strategy and combat evolving regulations
  • The importance of taking a holistic approach to addressing Legal GRC objectives
  • Insight and experiences from Legal Leaders around managing global compliance and risk

Format: 45 minute presentation, 15 minute live audience Q&A

